Accidents increase up to 20% during December holidays

by time news

2023-12-22 22:00:25

Los accidents traffic and at home increase between 15 and 20 percent in the December holidaysreported the Technical Secretariat of the National Council for Accident Prevention (STConapra) of the Undersecretary of Prevention and Health Promotion.

Why are they generated?

Driving motor vehicles at excess speed and under the influence of alcohol or other psychoactive substances. Longer stay of girls and boys in homes. Use of heaters, stoves or braziers to combat the cold in homes, pyrotechnics.

The agency stated that the percentage of people detected driving under the influence of alcohol increased from 11.6 percent in 2012 to 7.7 percent in 2022, and the lowest figure was recorded in 2018 with six percent.

It stands out that, in 2021, of the total deaths due to accidents, 66.1 percent were due to road accidents; that is, 14,715 deaths. In 2022, 8.1 percent of those who suffered a fatal road accident were registered with alcoholic breath.

After the road incidents, the most common fatal accidents are falls, with 9.3 percent, equivalent to 2,072 deaths; asphyxiations, 8.9 percent, that is, 1,973 deaths; drownings, 7.7 percent, equivalent to 1,719 deaths; poisonings and intoxications, 5.4 percent and 1,211 deaths; and burns, 2.5 percent and 563 deaths.

Regarding the actions undertaken in this holiday seasonSTConapra promotes a comprehensive approach to avoid accidental injuries, by identifying the main risk factors, with the support of the State Councils for the Prevention of Accidents (Coepra) and the State Programs for the Prevention of Accidents, Injuries and Road Safety .

Likewise, they promote awareness-raising talks and participatory interventions aimed at the general population to identify risk situations on the street, in their homes and, in general, in their communities.

The above, with the aim that citizens choose the safest options while traveling or at home. Mainly so that they have tools when participating in the construction of healthy environments.

Recommendations to prevent accidents during vacations

Do not drink alcohol when driving a motor vehicle, since one drink is enough to cause alterations to the nervous system and increase the risk of suffering an accident. Do not use fireworks; much less allow girls and boys to manipulate them or play with fire, because in addition to causing serious burns and amputations, pyrotechnics contaminate and cause damage to urban fauna and pets. Restrict access to kitchens for girls and boys; Mainly, on holidays, out of play or curiosity, tablecloths on tables where there are pots or pans with hot food or liquids get stuck or pulled. Never fill soft drink, juice or water containers with chemicals; If necessary, they should be labeled to identify and kept locked. Never leave stoves, heaters or braziers on overnight to keep the home warm, as this not only increases the risk of fires, but also carbon monoxide poisoning. Ventilate the home. Never leave a candle or nightstand unattended, much less while sleeping; Keep matches and lighters locked up. Keep the floor free of obstacles such as toys, clothing, footwear or other objects, as they can cause older adults to fall. Keep any medication locked up and never combine with alcoholic beverages. Close cisterns, cisterns or any water tank with a metal lid and padlock to prevent drowning. In addition, it warns that during the Christmas holidays there are fires in homes due to decorative lighting, largely due to the overload of plugs and contacts, so it recommends not purchasing products on the informal market.

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#Accidents #increase #December #holidays

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