AfDB withdraws international staff from Ethiopia

by time news

2023-12-21 02:49:55

In Ethiopia, the African Development Bank (AfDB) is withdrawing its international staff with immediate effect. A decision which comes after a diplomatic incident calling into question the safety of Bank agents.
Faced with a violation of the diplomatic protocol that governs its presence in Addis Ababa and the attack on two members of its international staff perpetrated by Ethiopian security forces, the African Development Bank (AfDB) decides to reduce its team by Ethiopian land. In a publication it made, the pan-African banking institution announced the withdrawal, with immediate effect, of its international staff in Ethiopia. However, the office will remain open under the direction of a responsible official. These measures, the Bank explained, will have no impact on locally recruited staff in Ethiopia who will continue to work and remain in the service of the representation. According to the internal memorandum, the Bank will fulfill its duty of care towards the staff members concerned and their families. These decisions follow the recent violation of diplomatic protocol and the attack by Ethiopian security forces against two international staff of the African Development Bank. “More specifically,” explains the AfDB, “on October 31, 2023, two officials based in Addis Ababa were illegally arrested, physically assaulted and detained for hours without charge or official explanation.” A blatant violation of their immunity, personal diplomatic rights and privileges provided for in the Headquarters Agreement between the African Development Bank Group and the Government of the Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia. Upon learning of the incident, the President of the African Development Bank, Akinwumi Adesina, immediately contacted the highest authorities of the Ethiopian government, following which the two Bank staff members were released. The African Development Bank officially communicated with the Ethiopian government through a note verbale on November 6 demanding a full and transparent investigation into the incident. President Adesina also dispatched a delegation of senior Bank officials led by his Senior Vice President to Addis Ababa on November 22 to engage with the highest level Ethiopian authorities on the issue and meet with Bank staff in his office. Ethiopian country office in Addis Ababa. “The Bank delegation’s assessment indicates that the situation is still not satisfactorily resolved. It also does not guarantee that all African Development Bank employees feel safe to carry out their duties and move around the country without fear of harassment,” said the AfDB President, before adding: “ The African Development Bank remains particularly concerned that the Ethiopian government has, to date, not shared any reports or details of investigations into the incident with the Bank.” According to him, the October incident continues to cause a lot of concern within the ADB Group, both among the staff of the Ethiopia country office and among the Bank’s shareholders, other multilateral development banks, international financial institutions, the wider diplomatic community and other stakeholders. Reassuring of the Bank’s full commitment to ensuring the safety and security of its staff, as well as the protection of their rights and privileges in the conduct of their work. He specified that the African Development Bank remains committed to supporting the socio-economic development of the country. As of September 30, 2023, the Bank’s active portfolio in Ethiopia, comprising 22 projects, totaled $1.24 billion. Mr. Adesina, however, observed that “while the Bank appreciates the excellent relations it has enjoyed with Ethiopia until this unprecedented incident, its continued operations and presence in the country could be negatively affected if the incident was not fully resolved.”

QA December 21, 2023

#AfDB #withdraws #international #staff #Ethiopia

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