Not only Long Covid, but also “long flu”: how to recognize it –

by time news

2023-12-23 08:16:56

by Laura Cuppini

The results of an American study on the «Long Flu»: in the 18 months following the infection, even in patients hospitalized for flu, the risk of death, readmission to hospital and various health problems increased

There is not only Long Covid, but also the «Long Flu». We know that Sars-CoV-2 can affect multiple organs and cause lasting and sometimes disabling health problems, even after recovery from the infection. Now a study by Washington University in St. Louis and the Veterans Affairs St. Louis Health Care System, pubblicato su Lancet Infectious Diseases
, indicates that even seasonal flu can cause long-term negative effects, especially on the lungs and respiratory tract. The authors compared Sars-CoV-2 and influenza viruses, demonstrating that, in the 18 months following infection, patients who required hospitalization increased the risk of death, readmission to hospital and underlying health problems. various kind. The most dangerous phase, according to researchers, occurs starting 30 days after the initial infection.

Long-term health problems

«The study illustrates the high number of deaths and health problems following hospitalization for Covid or seasonal flu – explains the senior author, Ziyad Al-Aly, epidemiologist at Washington University -. Both viruses can cause long-term illness.” The analysis covered the 18 months following the infection and included a comparative assessment of the risks of death, hospitalization and 94 disorders involving the main organs and systems. «Five years ago it would not have occurred to me to examine the possibility of a “long flu” – continues Al-Aly -, but an important lesson we have learned from Sars-CoV-2 is that an infection can cause chronic diseases. We wanted to know if and to what extent people with flu suffer long-term health effects: the answer is that both Covid and the flu can cause problems in the following months. Not only. Long Covid is a much more serious health problem than Covid itself and the “long flu” is a much more serious problem than the “simple” flu”.

More risks after Sars-CoV-2 infection

The risk of deaths, hospitalizations and ailments is higher after Covid than after influenza: over the entire 18-month study period, Covid patients faced a 50% higher risk of death than those with influenza (around eight additional deaths per 100 people); as regards hospitalizations, they were 20 out of 100 more (and 9 out of 100 more in intensive care) in the Covid group compared to the flu group. «There is only one exception: the flu presents higher risks for the lungs than Covid – says the expert -. Sars-CoV-2 can attack the lungs, but also other organs and is more likely to cause serious or fatal conditions involving for example the heart, brain or kidneys.” Covid was linked to a 68% increased risk of health conditions (64 of 94 ailments analyzed), while influenza was associated with a +6% risk (6 of 94 ailments), especially for the respiratory system . The authors of the study evaluated data from 81,280 patients hospitalized for Covid between March 2020 and June 2022 and 10,985 patients hospitalized for influenza between October 2015 and February 2019.

Increase vaccination coverage

«Our results highlight the need to reduce the risk of hospitalization for these two viruses – underlines Al-Aly -. For both Covid and seasonal flu, vaccinations can help prevent severe illness and reduce the risk of hospitalizations and death. The goal of increasing vaccination coverage must be a priority for governments and health systems around the world. This is particularly important for the most vulnerable categories, such as the elderly and immunocompromised people.” In the case of both Covid and influenza, more than half of the deaths and ailments occurred from the second month after the infection and not in the first 30 days. «The idea that Covid and influenza are only acute diseases does not take into account their long-term effects on human health – concludes Al-Aly -. Before the pandemic, we tended to discount most viral infections (“it will go away in a few days”), but we are finding that some people end up having serious long-term problems. We must stop trivializing viral infections and understand that they are the main cause of chronic diseases.”

Difficulty in diagnosis and treatment

Another study, from Queen Mary University of London, published in EClinicalMedicine
, shows that people can experience prolonged discomfort after acute respiratory infections, in general, who test negative for Covid (cold, flu or pneumonia). The most common symptoms include cough, stomach pain and diarrhea more than four weeks after the initial infection. While the severity of the disease appears to be a key factor in risk, more research is underway to determine why some people experience prolonged symptoms and others do not. The study is part of Queen Mary University’s “Covidence UK” project, launched in 2020 and still in the follow-up phase, with over 19 thousand people enrolled. «Our results shed light not only on the impact of Long Covid, but also of other respiratory infections – says Giulia Vivaldi, researcher at the University of London and lead author of the study -. Lack of awareness prevents reporting of these conditions. “Long infections” are difficult to diagnose and treat, largely due to the lack of testing and the large number of possible symptoms. More than 200 have been studied for Long Covid alone.”

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December 23, 2023 (changed December 23, 2023 | 07:16)

#Long #Covid #long #flu #recognize

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