France also adopts more restrictive measures for migrants – VP News

by time news

2023-12-21 01:38:25

New Immigration law in France: a turning point in policies

France has introduced a new and significant immigration law, which represents a turning point in its policies on the matter. This law, the result of a complex legislative process that lasted 18 months and characterized by considerable challenges for Emmanuel Macron’s government, was proposed by the Minister of the Interior Gérald Darmanin. It obtained the approval of both Nicolas Sarkozy’s “Républicains” party and Marine Le Pen’s “Rassemblement national”, signaling an orientation towards more conservative and restrictive positions.

Introduction of “national preference” in immigration policy

One of the most relevant features of this law is the introduction of a concept of “national preference”. This principle, historically associated with the French far right, marks a significant change in the country’s immigration policy, moving towards greater protection of national interests regarding the reception and integration of immigrants.

Impact of the law on access to social benefits for migrants

This law, the result of a long legislative process and political compromises, imposes more severe restrictions on access to social benefits for migrants. Now, to access certain aid, migrants must demonstrate residence in France for at least five years or employment for at least 30 months. This is a critical point, considering that migrants often need immediate support upon arrival, when they are busy learning the language and looking for work.

Macron and the concessions to the right for the approval of the law

President Emmanuel Macron won the law’s approval by making concessions to right-wing parties, including the Républicains and Marine Le Pen’s Rassemblement national. Despite divisions within its majority and criticism from the left wing, the law was approved with a large majority: the French parliament voted in favor of the reform with 349 votes in favor and 186 against.

Europe’s challenge in managing the influx of migrants

Europe is currently grappling with a number of migrants that exceeds its capacity to manage, a reality also recognized by British Prime Minister Sunak during the Kermesse Atreju organized by Fratelli d’Italia. European governments, influenced by a difficult economic situation and suboptimal past decisions, are gradually becoming more aware and tightening their migration policies. This context also raises critical questions for Italy: are we welcoming a number of foreign workers that we can effectively integrate? Is there a risk of a demographic replacement of the Italian population? Could the current choices, guided by an ideological approach, compromise the future of the country in favor of immediate and only apparently simpler solutions?

The response of globalist power groups and Italy’s position

Furthermore, the question arises as to how globalist power groups linked to the European left, who seem oriented towards promoting a multicultural Italian society, will respond. This strategy could have the objective of attenuating national cultural identity, favoring an integration process that transcends national identities in Europe, potentially benefiting their electoral positioning. France, meanwhile, is managing this challenge independently. Italy on the other hand, as always, is waiting to see what the others do.

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