When should I update my registration with CadÚnico?

by time news

2023-12-24 10:30:00

The Single Registry (CadÚnico) is a fundamental tool that gathers information about the social and economic condition of citizens.

This information is essential to participate in social programs and benefits, whether national, state or municipal, requiring registration in the Registry.

To guarantee the effectiveness of these records, updating CadÚnico is mandatory every two years.

Bodies responsible for payments, such as the National Social Security Institute (INSS) or the Ministry of Social Development (MDS), may also request updates in cases of suspected fraud.

CadÚnico renewal can be carried out at the Social Assistance Reference Center (CRAS) unit closest to the beneficiary’s residence.

Whether due to expiration date or at the request of government entities, updating is crucial to ensure continuity of benefits.

Changes require updating the registration

In addition to regular updates, CadÚnico must be renewed whenever there are significant changes in the socioeconomic condition of the registered family.

Events such as pregnancy, change in income, changes to students’ school, change of address, family changes or birth of a child require the registration to be updated promptly.

To carry out this procedure, the family representative or guardian can appear at CRAS with the necessary documentation for all family members.

Benefits of CadÚnico

CadÚnico not only allows participation in income transfer programs, such as Bolsa Família and Auxílio Gás, but also grants exemption from registration fees in public competitions for those enrolled.

In addition, it enables a series of benefits, such as Youth ID, Elderly Person’s Card, Green Grant, Social Electricity Tariff (TSEE), Continuous Payment Benefit (BPC), Minha Casa, Minha Vida and Desenrola Program.

Check your rights at CRAS

Many believe that the per capita income allowed for inclusion in CadÚnico is half the minimum wage.

However, some benefits not directly linked to income transfer may have a per capita income of up to two minimum wages as criteria, such as Minha Casa, Minha Vida and ID Jovem.

When registering or updating CadÚnico, it is advisable to check with CRAS itself which benefits are available depending on each individual’s specific situation.

#update #registration #CadÚnico

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