15 frequently asked questions about social networks

by time news

2023-12-22 08:59:28

Most people know that social media is great for business, but sometimes those at the top don’t always understand specifically how it works. Whether you need to upgrade the C-suite or are starting a business, be prepared with these answers to the most popular social media questions.

“What is a social media manager and what do they do?”

A social media manager is someone who manages social media for one or several brands.

A social media manager’s responsibilities can encompass social media marketing strategy, content creation, performance analysis, social listening, community management, and sometimes customer service.

Together with their team, the social media manager also plans organic and paid campaigns, develops a content calendar, and connects with other brands and influencers.

The social media manager is also sometimes called a digital marketing manager, community manager, or brand creator.

Large companies often hire in-house social media staff or rely on long-term agency contracts. Small businesses may only have the budget to hire one full-time person, making them “all-terrain” social media managers. These versatile marketers often do everything from strategy to shooting videos and everything in between. Or, they can outsource freelance design, production, or writing experts to help.

“How much does social media marketing cost?”

How much does a car cost? Depends if it’s a Kia or a Mercedes. The same goes for social media marketing: you can spend a lot or a little. However, the amount you spend is no guarantee of how quickly you will reach your goals. After all, both a Kia and a Mercedes can take you to the same place, taking more or less time.

Posting tons of ads or hiring an experienced agency to manage your accounts can result in faster growth. But, money cannot replace strategy. No matter how much you invest in social media marketing, you need to know your target audience, set measurable goals, create a content strategy, test different types of social media content, etc. You should also know the ROI on social media to know how much you can spend promoting your products and services and make a profit.

Even if you manage everything in-house, you still need to cover the cost of your (or your team’s) time, plus:

Software/tools to produce and manage content. Product or payment for influencer marketing campaigns. Cost of advertisements.

“How do I get more followers, especially on a new account?”

Consistently post high-quality, relevant content that your target audience wants to see. Experiment often to find out what types of content work best.

But ,as You do that? Stick to a focused publishing schedule and repurpose content regularly.

In the meantime, if you can’t stand seeing “0 followers” at the start of a new account and you have the budget for it, consider running paid ads to attract your first couple of hundred followers.

“Is buying followers really that bad?”

Yes. Don’t do it

Do you need proof? It has been realized various experiments and the results are clear: buying followers damages your reputation and can get your account blacklisted. Some services are outright scams, while others deliver what they promise (thousands of followers), but those followers aren’t real, they don’t comment or like, and they don’t do anything to increase the metrics that matter, like your engagement rate.

Do you want to spend money to boost your followers in a legitimate way? Congratulations, that’s called advertising. Here are some tips on how to make the most of your social media advertising campaigns.

“How do I go viral?”

One does not simply “go viral.” Going viral isn’t just a stroke of luck. It requires persistence and a few key points that will give you that extra push to get the virality you want.

Try your luck on all social media platforms. Different content goes viral on different platforms, so you never know when and how it will take off.

“What social media platforms should I use?”

The only correct answer is: “Not all of them.” You can be successful with one social media channel, although keep it to a maximum of three or four main channels to focus on. (Unless you have a great team to manage them all without problems)

When choosing which social platforms to use, look for:

Be the places where your audience gathers. Have advertising or other promotional options. They align with the types of content you want to create.

Whether you’re setting up new trading accounts or auditing your performance, knowing which platforms to use depends on having up-to-date statistics on each platform. Here we have the essential social media marketing statistics 2022 with all the demographic data you need to decide where to focus your time this year.

“How many people use social media?”

Starting in the fourth quarter of 2022, 4.62 billion people they use social networks, which represents 58.4% of the world’s population. That’s also an 8% jump from 2021, when just over 50% of the world was on social media.

“What is the most popular social network?”

Facebook, with 2.9 billion monthly active users. Next is YouTube, with 2.5 billion monthly active users, then WhatsApp, with 2.0 billion and Instagram, with 1.47 billion.

As the parent company of Facebook, Instagram, Facebook Messenger and WhatsApp, Meta reaches 3.64 billion of users per month. That’s 78% of the 4.6 billion social media users in the world.

“How do you create a good social media strategy?”

There is no one-size-fits-all social media strategy. Your strategy is specific to your business. But there is one thing that It does not matter In all successful social media strategies: do everything you can to serve your audience.

“How is the participation rate calculated?”

Your post engagement rate is the percentage of your followers who interacted with that post. Your overall engagement rate is the average engagement each post received over a specific time period.

To calculate it, take the total number of interactions on your post and divide it by the total number of followers.

(Participations / Total followers) x 100 = Participation rate

So what counts as a commitment?:

I like it. Comments. Share. Save (on Instagram).

For formats like Instagram Stories, engagement could also be a DM reply, clicking a link tag, taking a poll, or other Stories actions. Participation options vary by platform, but those are the ones they have the most in common.

“How many hashtags should I use?”

Each platform has its own rules in this regard. For example, Instagram allows a maximum of 30 hashtags per post.

But should you use them all? No.

While algorithms change all the time, using fewer hashtags can increase your reach by up to 15%. Instagram now recommends using only 3-5 hashtags, although they still allow up to 30.

What about Facebook, Twitter and any other network? Here we have a hashtag guide where we explain how to use them on each platform.

“How often should I post?”

The “perfect” posting schedule changes as often as platforms change their algorithms (which is a lot). What works right now probably won’t work in six months.

You don’t have to change your schedule every week, but you should change things up at least once a quarter to see if posting more or less frequently increases your engagement. Your audience’s behavior (how often they are online) and preferences will determine the success of your posting schedule. It’s different for everyone.

Remember that your schedule should be something you can keep up with. Do you want to publish five reels a week but only have time to make one? Be realistic when planning.

“What social media tools do I need?”

Technically, not really you need nothing. You can manage your social networks completely for free. But having any of these tools will drastically improve your growth and save you time and money.

“How do I respond to trolls?”

How your company handles negative comments depends a lot on your content strategy, but as a general rule, everyone knows you don’t feed the trolls.

There’s a fine line between making sure you’re addressing all legitimate customer complaints and filtering out trolls who just want to waste your time. In case of doubt? Respond politely and professionally. It may not matter to the troll, but you will protect your reputation with your real customers who are watching.

“I’m just starting out and want to increase my followers quickly. What should I do first?”

Quick response: Build relationships for cross-promotion and/or run an influencer campaign. Do you have a budget? Run paid ads.

Networking with other complementary businesses is the fastest way to grow a new, unknown account for free. How you do this will vary, but the essential steps are:

Identify potential partners (for example, businesses in your industry/a related industry that are not competitors). Start slow: follow them, leave thoughtful and professional comments on their posts. Do this for several weeks (if not longer!) before approaching them or asking them to partner. Once you’ve established a positive relationship with your comments, it’s time to move on to DMs or emails. Try to find an email contact. Use LinkedIn to find the company’s social media or public relations team, or check out its website. Send a personalized presentation, starting with what a cross-promotion would do for them. Why should they want to partner with you? What do they gain? Approach it with this mindset and you will be ahead of most.

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