Lonely at Christmas? Then you can help now | Life & Knowledge

by time news

2023-12-22 07:59:31

Christmas is a time of contemplation, a celebration of joy and love. Actually a wonderful time. Especially when you can share them with your family or partner.

► But for many people it is difficult to find connections during this time. As a single person or as a person who doesn’t have much contact with their own family, this time of peace, relaxation and love is always a difficult time.

But even if you’re alone, you don’t have to feel lonely. Before the sadness of the holidays sets in, consider these tips:

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Be spontaneous

► Have you been wanting to read the book on the bestseller list that everyone is talking about for a long time? Watch the new series on Netflix, Disney+ or Amazon Prime? But somehow there was always no time? Take this time very consciously today – don’t make excuses!

Say to yourself: I’m doing something good for myself now. Something that has been neglected in recent weeks: I take care of myself and slow down.

A relaxing bath can be very soothing in the cold season

Foto: Getty Images

Make plans

► Most of the time your mood doesn’t improve if you think about old times alone and start to ponder. Making plans, on the other hand, invigorates the mind! What do you really want to do next year? A specific trip or a specific wellness treatment?

Get active: Search for what interests you and what is good for you and simply book!

This will give you something concrete to look forward to. To paraphrase the German storyteller Eduard Mörike (1804 to 1875): “You always have to have something to look forward to.”

Call your friends

► Is there anyone around you who might be alone? Please ask friends or colleagues. Wish them a Merry Christmas and ask what they’re up to.

You might find someone who is also alone and would be happy about a phone call or a walk together. Neighborhood sites like are also helpful, especially in larger cities nebenan.de or nextdoor.deto get in touch with people around you.

Make yourself beautiful at home

Good food, a great bath additive, maybe a new blanket, candles, flowers – there are many ways to make your apartment really beautiful. You look forward to coming home and spending some quiet time alone with yourself.

Do something good for others

► Be generous, give something to someone or donate to a good cause Researchers have discovered that it triggers feelings of happiness in the brain University of Lübeck found out through examinations using magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).

Just think about whether there is something you can do without – perhaps the sleeping bag that has been lying around in the top drawer for years or an old winter jacket that you no longer wear. Take him to your local homeless shelter.

Reflect on positive moments

► Actively think about what you have been happy about in the past few days, weeks or even months. It doesn’t have to be anything significant, everyday experiences are enough. Take a moment to reflect on the year.

Maybe a stranger held the door for you, you found money on the street or achieved a professional success that was important to you? Empathize with what you experienced, write down the experience briefly and feel the good feeling.

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Don’t be afraid to accept help

If you’re not feeling well, don’t be afraid to talk to someone about it! The Ecumenical telephone pastoral care for example, can be reached around the clock.

The free numbers are 0800/111 0 111 or 0800/111 0 222 or 116 123.

The telephone pastoral care is a joint facility of the Catholic and Protestant churches and their welfare associations Diaconia and Caritas.

Sad or depressed?

Everyone is sad from time to time. If you feel lonely, it’s completely normal. Things are different if you suffer from depression. Some warning signs of depression are:

Sleep disorders. You can’t fall asleep, you wake up too early in the morning, you ruminate.Physical symptoms like muscle tension, headaches, stomach pain, a heart beating faster.Helplessness. You feel helpless in situations that you would normally master, for example when cooking a meal.Isolation. Those affected go without contact or activities for weeks.

Those affected and their relatives can find knowledge, self-tests and addresses on the topic of depression at German Depression Aid Foundation.

#Lonely #Christmas #Life #Knowledge

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