The criminal network established by Macron in the embassy

by time news

2023-12-26 15:30:00

Author: Elvin Sakhavatoglu

Against the background of political, economic and military upheavals in the world, the states that kept various regions under slavery for many years began to lose their influence. France is the first among such countries. For example, in recent years, the authorities under the influence of France in Africa have been overthrown one by one. The new authorities taking over the administration in the “Black Continent” are distinguished by their anti-Western, especially anti-French stance. Contrary to France and the West in general, the positions of China, Russia and Turkey in Africa are getting stronger.

This trend has accelerated during the rule of Emmanuel Macron.

The fiasco of Paris’s foreign policy

As France is suppressed in Africa, it tries to expand its sphere of influence towards the South Caucasus and Central Asia. Official Paris is trying to have a voice, especially in the South Caucasus.

Of course, in this matter, France makes ample use of Armenia’s anti-Russian position.

Azerbaijan exhibits the strictest position on the expansion policy of the Macron government in the South Caucasus.

For this reason, France opposes the interests of Azerbaijan.

Attempts were made to pass resolutions against Azerbaijan at the Paris UN Security Council both during the Patriotic War and after the war.

Since 2021, official Iravan, which received support from France, has applied to the International Court of Justice (ICJ) of the United Nations (UN) several times for a ruling against Azerbaijan.

In October last year, the International Court of Justice rejected Armenia’s request to amend the court decision dated December 7, 2021, citing temporary measures related to the implementation of the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Racial Discrimination.

On August 16, the discussions on Karabakh in the Security Council of the United Nations (UN) were successful for Azerbaijan. After the discussions moderated by the United States, neither a resolution was adopted nor a joint statement was issued to the press.

Besides, on September 20, France united with Germany and tried to pass a resolution against Azerbaijan in the UN Security Council.

But like other attempts, this provocative step did not give any results. Of course, these points are an indicator of the bankruptcy of the official Paris foreign policy.

Exposing the French agency network

In recent days, Western media have been circulating news about the exposure of the French agency network in Azerbaijan. It is reported that the exposed network carried out operations with various objectives in Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Eastern Europe, the Middle East and Central Asia.

According to information, the agency network in Azerbaijan operated within the French embassy. Many of the members of the network have served in Azerbaijan before or now, and some of them work in different countries and in prestigious international organizations.

It is known that on December 26, 2023, the Ambassador of France to Azerbaijan, Ann Bouillon, was summoned to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

It was reported that it was brought to the attention of the French ambassador that two employees of the French Embassy were declared “persona-non-grata” (undesirable person) by the Azerbaijani government due to their activities that were inconsistent with their diplomatic status and contradicted the 1961 Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations. those persons were requested to leave the territory of Azerbaijan within 48 hours, and the relevant note of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs was presented to the French ambassador.

It can be assumed that the revelation of the agency network is at the root of the summoning of the ambassador to the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the expulsion of two French diplomats from the country.

Of course, the exposure of this network took place thanks to the professionalism of Azerbaijan’s special services. A confidential source has passed specific evidence and documents on French agents to the special services. As a result, the agency network was exposed. It is reported that there are even those who have been arrested.

The revelation of the French agency network by the special services should be seen as the failure of the official Paris attempt to settle in the South Caucasus, especially in Azerbaijan.

On the other hand, now Macron will not be able to talk about the activities of the French intelligence service. Because the official Baku destroyed the Paris intelligence network.

Also, Baku proved that the French embassy does not operate as intended. Violating all international regulations, he has established a network of agencies and is operating against Azerbaijan.

An attempt to ignite Armenian revanchism

In addition to trying to build an agency network in Azerbaijan, official Paris is arming Armenia and trying to raise the revanchist mood.

Even the French authorities want to prevent the signing of a peace treaty between Baku and Yerevan. Because official Paris is interested in keeping the processes in the region constantly tense in order to influence the South Caucasus.

In this process, it is the United States that supports France the most. Both countries want to direct the processes taking place in the South Caucasus according to their wishes with various maneuvers.

But the decisive position taken by Azerbaijan shows that the efforts of the forces that want to increase tension in the region, hinder the Azerbaijan-Armenia peace process and interfere in the internal affairs of official Baku will not succeed.

#criminal #network #established #Macron #embassy

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