Milei paralyzes the renewal of more than 5,000 civil servant contracts in Argentina

by time news

2023-12-26 20:22:19

The president of Argentina, Javier Milei, signed this Tuesday the decree that paralyzes the renewal of all those public officials who were hired less than a year ago, which would affect more than 5,000 workers.

Vox gives an example of Milei’s ultraliberal economic plan in Argentina to disqualify Calviño’s management

This was one of the measures announced at the beginning of the month within the ‘chainsaw plan’ with which the far-right party intends to reduce public spending. The Government thus stops extending all contracts that expire on December 31, while preparing an audit to determine the number of State workers.

The measure will affect those workers in the central Administration of the Government and decentralized State organizations, as well as those public companies and state-majority corporations, such as the energy company Yacimientos Petrolófilos Fiscales (YPF). Sources consulted by the Argentine newspaper ‘Clarín’ increase the number of affected contracts to 7,000.

There will be some exceptions, such as those for those people with some type of disability, or those who fall within the quotas set by the Gender Identity Law, as well as those who need to remain in positions due to the impossibility of keeping them vacant.

The Argentine Government will also review more than one million social plans to detect alleged irregularities, as announced this Tuesday by presidential spokesman Manuel Adorni. The Executive will begin the audit of more than one million social plans and predicts, based on the calculations of judicial investigations, that 160,000 beneficiaries could be receiving these aid in an “irregular” manner.

A part of the social and union organizations demonstrated last Wednesday in Buenos Aires, coinciding with the 22nd anniversary of the protests of December 2001, which in the economic sphere led to what was known as the banking ‘corralito’, and in the political sphere They caused the resignation of the radical president Fernando de la Rúa (1999-2001).

The General Confederation of Labor (CGT), the powerful and majority federation of Argentine unions, with a Peronist orientation, did not participate in last week’s mobilizations.

Cegetista leaders and sympathizers are expected to mobilize tomorrow in Buenos Aires in protest of the decree of necessity and urgency signed last week by President Javier Milei, pending approval by the Argentine chambers and which represents the practical deregulation of the entire economy of the country.

#Milei #paralyzes #renewal #civil #servant #contracts #Argentina

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