How Macron prepares his “last chance” meeting with the nation

by time news

2023-12-27 07:00:06
Emmanuel Macron, at Prince Hassan air base, Jordan, December 22, 2023. LUDOVIC MARIN / AFP

On the art of screenwriting. On December 20, on France 5, facing the President of the Republic, Anne-Elisabeth Lemoine, host of the show “C à Vous”, tried to find out more about the mysterious “meeting with the nation” announced at Monde on December 8, scheduled for early 2024. In vain. “If I give you an appointment in January, I’m not going to honor it in December! », exclaims Emmanuel Macron, all smiles, having come to end the crisis opened in his camp by the vote of the “immigration” law. We will have to wait to know its “new course”. “A five-year term must be rhythmic”professes a communicator from the Elysée.

Also read the story: Article reserved for our subscribers Emmanuel Macron takes on the “immigration” law and hits back

Reduced since June 2022 by a relative majority, Emmanuel Macron felt the wind of the ball twice in 2023: on pension reform, the government only escaped censure by the National Assembly by nine votes. Which then rejected the “immigration” bill at first reading. The Senate, dominated by the right, played a decisive role in the adoption of these two flagship reforms.

No one knows what the head of state now intends to do with the rest of his mandate. Apart from the inclusion in the Constitution of freedom of access to voluntary termination of pregnancy, a mission on decentralization entrusted to the Renaissance deputy of Oise Eric Woerth and a text on the end of life constantly postponed, no project structuring is not on the agenda for the coming year, while purchasing power, housing, health or education still dominate the concerns of the French. “Macron governs over time”observes, fatalistically, Jacques Attali, former advisor to François Mitterrand.

“No feverish waiting”

When the President of the National Assembly, Yaël Braun-Pivet, challenged him at the Elysée in November on the 2024 parliamentary agenda, Emmanuel Macron brushed aside: “We’ll see after Christmas!” » In opinion surveys, two new image traits have characterized the head of state since the beginning of December: inaction and lack of direction. “Failing to have been clear, we are navigating according to public expectations. Sometimes with intelligence, but without obvious perspective”, deplores the MoDem deputy for Hauts-de-Seine Jean-Louis Bourlanges, In La Tribune SundayDecember 24th. “For the first time, the word “weather vane” appeared about him”, points out Frédéric Dabi, general director of the IFOP.

We can no longer count the political objects of all kinds invented by the tenant of the Elysée since 2017 to relaunch itself: memorial roaming, great debate, citizens’ conventions, National Council for Refoundation (CNR), meetings in Saint-Denis, etc. “For the moment, I do not sense a feverish wait from the French for the meeting with the nation”confie M. Dabi.

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