Santé Publique France and Libération attribute excess vaccine mortality to Covid!

by time news

2023-12-27 18:33:04

TRIBUNE – In May 2021, we reported the massacre that constantly occurred in the weeks following massive vaccination campaigns. Whether it was the first apostles of injections (United Kingdom, Israel) or less populated countries (UAE, Kuwait, Mongolia, Monaco, Gibraltar), the eight weeks that followed were marked by excess Covid mortality which greatly exceeded that observed during the period without vaccine.

The media first denied the facts established by the WHO data and curves, then, faced with the growing evidence of excess post-vaccination mortality, the media attributed it to Covid without even considering that it was was more certainly a phenomenon of disease facilitation [1] by vaccines, not recognized by botched trials.

Governments, health agencies and the media refused to discuss the possibility of the slightest responsibility for the injections and the “fast checkers” unable to deny the excess mortality observed attributed it to Covid and the “delayed effectiveness of vaccines”.

Since then, the pseudo vaccines have shown their total ineffectiveness in the spread of the disease which they have been unable to slow down and which they have probably even facilitated, since the monthly rate of global contaminations was multiplied by six after their generalization

and often more in the most vaccinated countries at the time of Omicron.

Anti-Covid injections have also demonstrated their failure to prevent serious forms and mortality which in November 2022 reached rates 20 to 50 times higher in highly vaccinated countries (Europe, USA) than in those which had been there. escaped (Africa).

This dramatic ineffectiveness of pseudo-vaccines is accompanied by increasing toxicity over time. Israeli doctors were the first to describe post-vaccination myocarditis, now recognized by all authors and which has since been associated with sudden deaths, neurological accidents, menstrual and fertility disorders, appearance of turbo-cancers, etc.

Alongside the recognition of these post-vaccination complications, excess mortality chronologically linked to booster campaigns has appeared in all vaccinated countries. [2] while the Covid epidemic has disappeared thanks to the immunity conferred by Omicron.

This excess mortality from all causes is observed in France where it reached 9% of the expected mortality in 2022 (+53,800 deaths) as illustrated by this graph from INSERM:

The possible causal link between this excess mortality and Covid vaccination is reinforced by its occurrence in age groups below 55 years (where the risks of mortality are low and in which no known cause other than vaccination explains it) and after 85 years (group vaccinated at more than 90%).

To exonerate vaccination from this growing excess mortality, Fanny Fontan and Release invent an “umpteenth wave of Covid which breaks as Christmas approaches” which nevertheless does not exist in any statement, neither for the National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies, nor for the WHO as illustrated by the curve next :

To further try to exonerate anti-covid injections, Fanny Fontan and Release cite expert opinions that describe vascular lesions typical of the spike protein and blame long Covids forgetting to remember that the Pfizer vaccine stimulates the production of this toxic protein without knowing its duration.

In an ongoing attempt to deny the role of anti-Covid injections in excess mortality, Public Health France suggests that the increase in deaths could be linked to the late effects of confinements [3] the supposed advantages of which they had once so praised to us while we denounced the calamitous results.

But when they put forward as a possible explanation for the current excess mortality the “wearing a mask that has fallen into disuse” (in the absence of an epidemic!), they reach the height of ridiculousness.

In this misleading article intended to exonerate the role of vaccines in current excess mortality, epidemiologist Mircea Sofonea poses a burning question, “cIs the excess risk that we observe constant over time, in which case, will we have an accumulation, or will this effect fade over time?

It is a shame that by not recalling the causal role of mRNA injections, he deprived himself of addressing the crucial problem that torments doctors and patients, that of treatments intended to neutralize the side effects of anti-Covid injections. Let’s hope that researchers will quickly resolve this problem to stop the new post-injection massacre.

Gérard Delépine is a surgical oncologist and medical statistician.

[1] In English Antibody-dependent enhancement (ADE)

[2] Denis G. Rancourt COVID-19 vaccine-associated mortality in the Southern Hemisphere

[3] “Delay in care, greater social isolation affecting behavior, increase in harmful alcohol consumption, difficulties in accessing care.”

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