Health alert due to low temperatures: activates risk level 3 in Seville and level 2 in five other provinces

by time news

2023-12-27 12:41:38

Updated Wednesday, December 27, 2023 – 11:41

From Health they give a series of recommendations to prevent the effects of the cold on health and avoid hypothermia and frostbite.

Cold and fog in ZaragozaJAVIER BELVEREFE

The Ministry of Health has activated this Wednesday, December 27, the risk level 3 due to low temperatures in Sevilla and the risk level 2 in Huelva, Crdoba, Valencia, Zaragoza y Girona.

He Level 3 is the maximum expected and is considered “high risk” while level 2 indicates a “medium risk.” He criteria for assigning levels It is based on an algorithm based on the difference between the threshold temperature and the minimum expected temperature with a persistence over time of 3 days.

The State Meteorological Agency (Aemet) has activated warnings for fog, rain, cold, waves and wind in twenty provinces of seven autonomous communities this Wednesday.

According to Aemet, the day will once again be marked by the anticyclone that will keep the skies slightly cloudy or clear in general except in Galicia. In Andaluca, minimum temperatures could reach six negative degrees in Crdoba and Granadaas in Teruel y Zaragoza, in Aragón. In Castilla y León, León, Palencia and Zamora are also at risk due to low temperatures and fog.

Severe cold negatively affects health, both directly and indirectly. Only in the most extreme cases, Exposure to very low temperatures leads to hypothermia and frostbitewhich represent only a small proportion of the total morbidity and mortality associated with extreme cold,” they report from Health.

Recommendations to prevent the effects of cold

Between the recommendations general measures to prevent the effects of cold on health, collected by Health are:

Outside, breathe through your nose and not through your mouth, as the air warms as it passes through the nostrils and thus reduces the cold that reaches the lungs. Take extreme caution in case of ice on the streets. A high percentage of cold-related injuries have to do with falls when slipping on sheets of ice. Use non-slip footwear if possible. It is worth keeping in mind that several layers of thin clothing protect more than a single thick one, by forming insulating air chambers between them. If you use braziers in the house or fireplace, ventilate the room frequently to avoid accumulation. of CO2. Ventilate the house at least twice a day, for 15 minutes each time, to ensure air renewal. Turn off electric and gas stoves at night. Do not take medications without a prescription, keep in mind that some medications precipitate problems derived from exposure to cold. Eat a varied diet, consume fruit daily. Drink liquids, even if you are not thirsty, especially water and hot drinks and avoid alcohol consumption, as it reduces the feeling of cold. Always stay well informed about the weather forecast before leaving home. Although anyone can suffer from a problem related to low temperatures, try to pay greater attention to people who may be vulnerable to the cold. If necessary, contact your healthcare professional. Flu vaccination is recommended for people over 65 years of age and those who suffer from a chronic disease (cardiopulmonary, metabolic and immunosuppressed).

He National Plan for preventive actions due to low temperatures establishes recommendations to reduce the health effects associated with low temperatures, as well as measures to coordinate the State Administration institutions involved. Likewise, it proposes actions that can be carried out by the Autonomous Communities and/or the Local Administration.

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