Berlusconi: “Italy restarts with Draghi, now the tax reform”

by time news – In an exclusive interview with Il Giornale, the leader of Forza Italia Silvio Berlusconi he talks about his state of health and says he is “gradually improving” and that in the health sector “the turning point has been” and “we can finally see some light at the end of the tunnel” and also on the political level he bets that “The good relations established by Draghi over the years in Europe will help him” because “international relations are also made of credibility and personal trust” as “I have done for many years” and “they are relations that last even today”, assures Berlusconi, who hopes that Draghi will also be able to use “The Berlusconi method”: “not muscular contrasts but obstructive relations both with Europeans and with the governments of the southern shore of the Mediterranean”.

Of the Draghi government he says: “It is an anomaly destined to last until the emergency can be said to be truly overcome” and then “politics will once again bring out the natural distinctions”.

The forced ministers? “They are among the best in the Draghi government”. Then Berlusconi relaunches his favorite slogan: less taxes for everyone, and says: “If Italy comes out of the health emergency thanks to vaccines, it will not get out of the economic emergency if employment and consumption do not restart and if companies do not return to useful ”, therefore“ all this it will never happen if 60% of the wealth produced is forfeited by the state through taxes “.

Then he proposes “no tax area up to 12,000 euros of income, a tax of 15% up to 25,000 euros, 23% up to 65,000 and 33% over 65,000 ”.

And it says that one of the reforms “of which there are more proud is the abolition of the inheritance tax “ because “property and inheritance tax means taxing the assets for the second time”.

On Salvini: “He highlighted a difficulty that obviously exists: if we have been political opponents with the left for thirty years” and “There are very important underlying issues that divide us”, however “this government must also do important things in matters of justice and taxation: without it you cannot get out of the crisis “.

His Brugnaro and Toti, the president says that the operation “it saddened me because it does the opposite of what would be needed: join forces to relaunch a large liberal, Catholic, pro-European, guarantor area of ​​the country’s government “while” all the attempts at fragmentation were short-lived and had no political perspective “.

Giorgia Meloni? “It is an important resource” but the future premier “if the center-right governs, the voters will choose it as always, deciding which party to give more votes ”.


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