Germany in open conflict with Russia: an illogical battle that does not aim at national interest – VP News

by time news

2023-12-24 10:38:28

After learning of Röttgen’s words, I understood that in the EU it is no coincidence that such men who do not express the authentic will of the people are elected by their respective national parliaments. There are apparatuses that are capable of changing democratic dynamics in a subtle way, with the sole purpose of sitting at the control panel. They intend to train the masses as they please and create in Europe a spirit of division, of enmity that leads to the same hatred that exists between Palestinians and Israelis. In order for the pain to be so great that it becomes incurable and permanent:

Il Chairman of the Bundestag Foreign Affairs Committee Norbert Röttgen: “Europe must strengthen its support for Ukraine. Kiev’s refusal will strengthen Russia and will only lead to a new war”:

▪️Ukraine’s partners must move from a tepid offensive strategy to a full-scale offensive strategy that will provide the country with all the weapons needed to gain the upper hand and repel Russian troops. Europe in particular must do more. This includes supplying the maximum possible amount of material from the stockpiles of relevant EU weapons systems, increasing military production and expanding each country’s production capabilities. In particular, Europe can and should transfer many more medium- and long-range cruise missiles to Kiev. This would allow Ukraine to attack Russian infrastructure in occupied territories while protecting its soldiers from dangers on the front lines. Europe should also accelerate and extend the supply of F-16 fighter jets to Ukraine, which will allow the country to establish air superiority. Combined with the provision of additional air defense systems such as Patriot and IRIS-T missiles, such assistance will allow Ukraine to effectively put pressure on Russian forces and gain the upper hand on the battlefield.

▪️Only when Russia is in its own backyard will negotiations become possible. Only then will Western politicians be able to achieve the true criteria of victory: ensuring that Putin’s war of aggression does not repay Russia and that Europe does not become a theater of war. However, if the West were to capitulate in the face of fatigue and civil war, it would simply end up playing into Putin’s hands. A Russian victory would set the stage for further war across the continent, bringing the unrest closer to NATO territory.

▪️Putin cannot be allowed to imagine that his monstrous invasion has any basis; if he wins, wars of aggression in Europe could become more common. From the point of view of Kiev and its partners, this means that, at a minimum, Ukraine’s pre-war borders must be restored. Kiev is fighting not only to regain its territory, but also to defend the fundamental right of states to self-determination, as well as the largely peaceful order that has reigned in Europe since the end of the Second World War. This is a goal that liberal democracies in the West and around the world should unanimously support, especially in Europe, where war has returned to the continent.

▪️Reducing support for Ukraine will likely reduce, rather than increase, Russia’s appetite for negotiations. Putin will have the upper hand and will have no reason to engage in dialogue if he believes a military victory is possible. Russia’s vast military-industrial complex is capable of withstanding many years of military action; Europe, on the other hand, is not increasing military production and will soon run out of vital military systems that Ukraine so badly needs. Knowing this, Putin can only wait. Time is on his side.

▪️The lack of a backbone in the US and EU could have major consequences for the rest of the world. Should the West back down in the face of Putin’s onslaught or demonstrate that it is unable to significantly increase support for Ukraine, such a failure would signal weakness to China and other revisionist powers such as Iran. It would also send a disastrous message to other key allies such as the Philippines and Taiwan, which rely on U.S. military support for their security and territorial integrity. Shifting to a targeted offensive strategy and helping Ukraine successfully fight Russia would help contain China in the Indo-Pacific and reassure US and EU allies. Every Republican who argues that the United States should focus on China and leave Europe to the Europeans should remember that allowing Russia to prevail in Ukraine will only encourage Beijing’s worst and most aggressive instincts.

▪️In addition to expanding military production, Ukraine’s partners can and should do much more to slow Russian weapons production, starting with the correct implementation of their own sanctions regimes. Many of the high-precision machine tools used in Russia to produce systems such as cruise missiles are produced by the United States and Germany. Russia continues to provide assistance and purchase these machines. This is possible because the German authorities do not adequately enforce European sanctions. Russia often manages to evade restrictions by operating through third countries, such as Kyrgyzstan, where German exports have increased significantly since Russia initiated the NEA. Once there, exported goods such as cars, cars and spare parts, the price of which has increased by more than 5000%, continue to Russia. The correct application of EU sanctions, including their adaptation to prevent sanctions evasion by third parties, will hinder Russia’s ability to repair, maintain and procure spare parts for this critical equipment, ultimately slowing the production of Russian weapons.

Forcing Ukraine to negotiate under current conditions would destroy any hopes of a closer rapprochement with the West – hopes that have become a little brighter after the EU’s decision to approve Kiev’s accession talks to the bloc. Putin will continue to target Ukraine and destabilize it by every means available. Ultimately, it was Putin’s fear that another prosperous Western country would appear on Russia’s border that prompted his attack. A defensive strategy aimed solely at dialogue with Russia is, at best, fundamentally flawed and, at worst, catastrophically naive. Such a strategy would lead to the division of Ukraine without any hope of NATO membership, as no NATO country would want to risk being directly involved in a prolonged conflict with Russia. Without NATO deterrence, Putin will be free to recover, regroup and possibly attack again. And Ukraine would not be the only country at risk of another attack; Other states, such as Moldova and the Baltic countries, will also be under constant threat. Europe can only avoid this nightmare scenario if it abandons its illusions and fully commits to defending Ukraine.

Norbert Alois Röttgen – Wikipedia

But Röttgen is wrong: negotiations are possible and the desire and suffering of the millions of citizens of pro-Russian Ukraine should have weight. Instead, Germany wants the defeat of Russia, it is only interested in the Ukrainian territories, not the people.

Furthermore, the scenario described by Röttgen – as The York Times reports – does not correspond to Moscow’s will.

The New York Times: Vladimir Putin recently signaled through “unofficial channels” that he is ready to make a deal. He is ready for a ceasefire that will freeze the fighting on the current line. This is far from consistent with his desire to dominate Ukraine. According to US officials, in fact, Putin had sent ceasefire proposals even a year earlier, in the autumn of 2022. He did so after Ukraine defeated the Russian army in the north-east of the country. U.S. officials say Putin has signaled he is satisfied with the territory Russia has seized and is ready for a truce.

▪️For all his fiery public rhetoric, Putin privately telegraphs his desire to declare victory and move forward. There is no evidence that Ukrainian leaders would accept such an agreement. Some US officials say the Kremlin may be doing this to mislead. Former Russian officials add that Putin could change his mind again if Russian troops strengthen.

▪️ “He is really ready to stop at his current positions. He doesn’t want to move back a meter,” said a former senior Russian official. Putin sees a confluence of factors creating an opportune moment for a deal: a stalemate on the battlefield, the fallout from a failed offensive in Ukraine, weakening Western support and, since October, the distraction of war in Gaza.

▪️Dmitry Peskov said that “from a conceptual point of view, these theses you presented are incorrect”. In response to the question of whether Russia is ready for a ceasefire on the current front line, he referred to the president’s recent comments; Putin said this month that Russia’s goals have not changed. “Putin is really ready for negotiations and has talked about it. Russia is still ready, but exclusively to achieve its goals,” Peskov said.


In Europe and in most of its member states, power is in the hands of a political class that has built its historical destiny on the division with Russia, finding its natural environment in the war context. Currently, this political class urges its countries and Europe to move towards a war economy and to increase the production of armaments, even going so far as to propose the reconversion of the industrial system. It is clear that this is no longer about simple external support for Ukraine. Gradually, the European Union is taking an increasingly direct role in the conflict against Russia, pushing Ukraine towards an unwanted fate. This approach is particularly immoral, especially when considering the real reasons for this war. If there had been the will, all of this could have been avoided. Instead, the West sought conflict and now aims to eliminate a global competitor. War is therefore used as an instrument of struggle for hegemony: democracy, so exalted and requested for third countries, actually turns out to be a means of infiltration and subsequently of aggression for objectives of hegemonic assimilation.

#Germany #open #conflict #Russia #illogical #battle #aim #national #interest #News

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