Gaza…the other side

by time news

2023-12-29 02:05:08

G*g*h.. the other side

Dr . Tariq Al Hashemi

The attack on Al-Aqsa on October 7, and the subsequent aggression against Gaza, occupied and continues to preoccupy the entire world, at home and abroad, which has become captivated by the craftsmanship, bravery, and humanity of the Gaza resistance, on the one hand, and shocked, pained, and angry at an army that confirmed its actions. That, despite the biased reputation-improving propaganda, he is nothing more than a failed butcher who has not mastered either the art of war or its management. Rather, through his excessive sadism, he turned into a mad bull who was taken by surprise and shocked by the insult inflicted on him that day. He lost control and began to flounder wildly, compensating for his failure and losses with retribution and collective revenge. From the people of Gaza, targeting primarily children and women, in addition to the elderly, the infirm, and the sick… In short, the Zionist entity committed genocide in Gaza, which has so far claimed more than twenty-one thousand martyrs and tens of thousands of wounded and injured, most of whom are children and women… After eighty days of war, the malicious purpose of the aggression is to transform the Gaza Strip into a place that is not only unsafe, but also unlivable, with the hope of forcing more than 2 million people to forcibly displace and migrate to neighboring countries… But the ominous plan collides, before anything else, with a solid, impenetrable wall. Its characteristics – patience, endurance, and steadfastness… are, in short, the exact expression of the behavior of our besieged and attacked people in Gaza. His case.

Despite this sophisticated aspect of dealing with aggression, there is another aspect, no less great and important, which concerns the behavior and dealing of Al-Ghazawi with himself and his brother, in his relationship with his family and neighbors, with society or with the authority, its apparatus, facilities and services… with the law and order, as it stands out to the observer. The values ​​of this people, their upbringing and morals, whose excellence and sophistication appeared in a time of hardship the likes of which we have never witnessed… Despite the pain and great suffering and bereavement, have you heard anything other than (God is sufficient for us, and He is the best disposer of affairs?)… Have you heard a grumble or a complaint, have you seen a violation of the law and order?… As is known, these people live deprived of the most basic necessities of life. He was besieged for seventeen years, then his suffering doubled after October 7, when they were surrounded and besieged by land, sea, and air. Every day, none of them could hardly find anything to quench their thirst or quench their thirst. They called on those around them, both Arabs and non-Arabs, for a bottle of water, but it was denied him. Their child was deprived of a taste of milk. And the family from a loaf of bread, their sick and wounded from a pill of medicine and qualified hospitals, and even the ground was too narrow to bury the martyrs and the dead… and the way of life deteriorated, and hearts reached their throats… Their condition is in a state of necessity and necessity in which it is permissible to eat a dead animal. In a state of necessity, if a person steals, no punishment will be imposed on him. Because of the suspicion of a need for refuge, phenomena that usually accompany people in times of strife or extreme distress and great affliction, until values ​​deteriorate, constants are shaken, and the ego becomes overwhelmed… and the weak in souls – and there is no society without them – are active in aggression and transgression against what is in the hands of others, tempted by the fact that the police agencies are dysfunctional and the people Busy with surviving the aggression that did not leave even a small spot on the patient Gaza…safe…but the striking irony, expressed by those concerned with sociology, is that the characteristic by which the Gazans were known during the days of peace did not change during the days of war!! It is unreasonable or expected, despite the intensity of the war on Gaza, the limited area and resources, the density of residents on its land, and the accumulation of the effects of the siege on it…despite all of that, that not a single theft incident occurs!! Not a single store should be looted, locks broken, people’s property and stores not seized, companies not be attacked or the homes of wealthy, well-to-do people… This is unreasonable! Rather, what is expected in such circumstances is for the policeman to be busy day and night pursuing crimes and criminals…but what happened is exactly the opposite, as the people there cooperated and supported each other, supporting each other and influencing one another so that the description of the Prophet, may God bless him and grant him peace, was true to them when he said:

“If the Ash’arites (the people of Yemen) became widows during the battle, or if their family’s food became scarce in the city, they gathered what they had into one garment, then divided it equally into one vessel. They are of me and I am of them.” And thus you find the people of Ghazah patient when calamity strikes. With them, neither what is difficult is difficult for them nor is what is impossible impossible…they share what little is available, praising and thankful…a phenomenon that has astonished the West and even the entire world, and they do not know the secret behind it, and in memory is the security chaos at the moment when darkness prevails, as individuals, groups and gangs unleash a terrible tsunami of negativity. Theft, rape, settlement of accounts, and kidnapping, just because the electricity was cut off for a few minutes in major cities and capitals, as happened in New York in 1977 AD, with the police arresting 3,700 people, with losses estimated at about a billion dollars!

Another note, everyone knows the approach adopted by the Zionist entity in achieving the goal of the war (eliminating H*ma*s)…that its army is too cowardly to fight the valiant resistance face to face, the resistance that has dedicated itself to God, and its choice is between victory and martyrdom, while the occupation army has vowed Himself to the devil, that is why the enemy turned to the fragile or soft class to turn its life into an unbearable hell, hoping that Al-Ghazzawi would turn against Al-Hamsawi and a civil war would rage in which the Gazans would be preoccupied with each other, and the bonds of the internal front would be dismantled, with the strength of the resistance broken and weakened, by preoccupying it inside instead of leaving. To respond to the Zionist aggression, and this would be sufficient to achieve the goal of the war with the least losses… But that did not happen either, and the people stood firm and bore the brunt of the harm, and the home front remained cohesive, and the resistor departed, exercising his skill in pursuing the invaders, reassured of his back, protected by his popular embrace and reassured of it… and so on. With their patience and steadfastness, the Gazans thwarted the malicious efforts of the occupying state, and its army was unable to achieve the goal of the war.

There is another thing in the legend of the Gazan people that a woman, one of the prisoners held hostage by the Qassam Brigade, and the bombing intensified near her, says to the Qassam guard while she is trembling: I am afraid that I will die. He replied: No, aunt, do not be afraid. We will die before you die. Compare this high humanitarian position with what happens to Palestinian prisoners, male or female, at the hands of the Zionist occupiers.

Our king, so our pardon was a trait

And when you reigned, he was drenched in blood

And you freed the captives, and so on

We used to forgive and forgive the prisoners

This disparity between us is sufficient for you

And every vessel drips with what is in it

A people that arouses wonder and admiration, as if it was created by God in His own eyes. It does not break, but rather triumphs or dies… We do not praise anyone before God, but it is the truth without frills. It remains for us to ask about the secret behind this high elevation… Do not be surprised, it is “Islam…” Gentlemen.

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