“Vulgarity and provocation have always been his stock in trade,” asserts Sophie Marceau – Libération

by time news

2023-12-28 16:49:28

Sophie Marceau had already publicly condemned the behavior of Gérard Depardieu in the past. In “Paris Match”, the actress reveals today that she has refused to film with him since 1985.

This is not the first time that Sophie Marceau has taken a stand against Gérard Depardieu, but this time she is doing so in the midst of a national controversy surrounding the actor and his excesses with women. In the columns of Paris Match, the 57-year-old actress recalled Thursday, December 28, her poor opinion of the “sacred monster” which dates back to her disastrous experience during the filming of Police, one of Depardieu’s many collaborations with director Maurice Pialat, in 1985. “I said publicly at the time that I could not stand his attitude, which was rude and very inappropriate. Many people then turned against me, making me look like a little pest. And I always refused films with him afterwards,” remembers the woman who was then 19 years old.

In the pages of Le Monde, Raphaëlle Bacqué and Samuel Blumenfeld recounted in July the ordeal that this filming was. The actor, if he is active and cheerful according to the producer of the film, also behaves inappropriately with women. He “goes squeaky squeak” on the breasts or buttocks of those he greets. In a slapping scene, he actually hits his scene partner several times… “He never dared to touch me in front of the team, otherwise he would have received my fist in the face. But with the poor dressers…” said Sophie Marceau.

Attacking Gérard Depardieu today would be “too easy” with “all the relentlessness he knows,” Marceau attenuates. The one who does not want to “hand him the pole or bury him” remains firm: “Whether you are Gérard Depardieu or Maurice Pialat, you do not treat people like that, period.” Looking back, she analyzes that “vulgarity and provocation have always been her stock in trade. Today, he is being accused of what he was praised for.”

Above all, Sophie Marceau insists after the publication of a column in support of Depardieu by dozens of cinema personalities, including Carole Bouquet or Nathalie Baye, among others: it is not the already famous actresses “that he is concerned about. took” but “rather to the little assistants”.

“Rape culture”

The “Depardieu camp” continues to organize itself in the wake of the defense offered by the Head of State last Wednesday during the broadcast of C à vous. After the actor’s family spoke out, who explained that the documentary broadcast in Complément d’investigation had been bogus, the actor was defended by around sixty artists in a column published in the pages of Le Figaro .

This also sparks a chain reaction among organizations or individuals committed to fighting sexist and sexual violence. Like Laurent Boyet, president of the child protection association Les Papillons, who explained in Libération why Pierre Richard, signatory of the support platform, could no longer be one of its ambassadors. Or the MeTooMedia movement which published a text in The world to denounce the words of Emmanuel Macron who “validates the culture of rape at the highest summit of the State”.

Tuesday, Isabelle Carré took up the pen in Elle magazine. Without ever naming him, the actress and author takes a position in the Depardieu affair, denouncing the fact that it was necessary to “wait fifty years to tell an actor that his behavior with assistants, dressers, his partners is not not acceptable, even under the pretext of philandering.” The 52-year-old actress also shares her own experience as a victim of sexual assault, the first of which when she was only eleven years old. “A man stopped me in the street for information,” I thought. To my great surprise, it was a matter of touching and commenting on my birth chest: It’s growing, eh little girl, it’s growing! Stunned, I didn’t move, so he continued…”.

#Vulgarity #provocation #stock #trade #asserts #Sophie #Marceau #Libération

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