AKP and MHP reject the proposal to investigate the reasons for the spread of money laundering

by time news

2023-11-24 13:51:01

Ankara. People’s Equality and Democracy Party (HEDEP) submitted a group proposal to discuss the research proposal it submitted to investigate the reasons for the spread of money laundering in the General Assembly of the Turkish Grand National Assembly today. Speaking about the proposal, HEDEP Diyarbakır Deputy Ceylan Akça Cupolo said, “You remember, there were 3 ministers, a vote of no confidence was given for them to be investigated. They were posing right behind me, laughing. Three ministers, who had terrible allegations of money laundering, happily threw their votes into the box. There is something else that has been on our agenda lately. We see money laundering through beauty centers. The bad thing is that this issue is diluted. We see an effort to hide a terrible crime by saying that it is watered down with what it is, social media phenomena, cute people, this and that. There are bureaucrats here who are involved in a money laundering network. There are politicians, where does this money come from, whose money are these social media celebrities laundering? Did MASAK never detect this? We have been seeing serious decay in the judiciary lately. We see that this judicial network exonerates people involved in money laundering. For example, I make a call from here. Let’s investigate the prosecutors and judges who became unjustly enriched. “Let’s investigate how they launder so much dirty money,” he said.

Saadet Party Group Deputy Chairman İsa Messi Şahin said that black money is a matter of mentality and said:

“The color of money is not black, where does this name come from? Of course, some people end up with 10 or 5 lira out of their pocket. Some people have dollars and euros out of their pockets. This is another matter. These are the mentalities that turn the color of money into black. It is the greed of people. I mentioned a proverb in the Parliament the other day, and I want to say it again. There is a proverb that says ‘The greedy and the dishonest find each other quickly’. Greedy, wanting something excessively. If the political personality of the politician or statesman is not shaped on principles, the politician and statesman become greedy for something in the process. He wants things excessively. For example, he is greedy for money and becomes a slave to money. He covets power and power and becomes a slave to them. In order not to lose these values, which he sees as achievements, he resorts to all kinds of lawlessness and unprincipledness. After a while, the statesman’s and politician’s path intersects with this unprincipled, greedy man of evil order, a fraudster. “The saying that greedy and dishonest find each other quickly becomes meaningful here.”

“They have extensions and connections within the state.”

İYİ Party Balıkesir Deputy Turhan Çömez stated that dirty money will drive out clean money and that those who earn money through legal means will move away from the field in which they operate because they have no chance of competing, and said that there are gangs that “continue their criminal activities easily” in Turkey. Çömez also claimed that money launderers have connections within the state and said, “They have extensions and connections within the state. In our country, where these examples increase day by day, our people are worried about the future. “They are worried about their children and leave the country,” he said.

Çömez said, “You can try to save the day by relying on dirty money, but where there is that dirty money and its dirty owners, there will be no clean people and buildings left. “You will have to go door to door and look for money in front of global loan sharks,” he said.

“Unless we establish trust, it is not possible to attract fixed capital investments.”

CHP Karabük Deputy Cevdet Akay showed the list of criminal organizations in Turkey and said, “Why is the fight against the financing of black money and the financing of terrorism so important? We have an interest expense of 1 trillion 257 billion liras. This corresponds to 10 percent of our general budget expenses and approximately 14 percent of our tax revenues. If we are going to struggle with the financing of the current account deficit, we need to reduce these interest expenses. For this, we need to get out of the gray list. We need to fight this fight to get out of the gray list… Especially as Mr. Şimşek expressed, discourses need to turn into actions. Unless we establish this trust, it is not possible to attract fixed capital investments to our country without the trust of foreign investors. “It is not possible to provide investments that increase production, employment and improve exports,” he said.

After the negotiations were completed, HEDEP’s group proposal was rejected by the votes of AKP and MHP MPs.

#AKP #MHP #reject #proposal #investigate #reasons #spread #money #laundering

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