How is 5G working? We compare New York, London and Paris

by time news

2023-12-29 16:00:35

NY can boast of being one of the great metropolises in the world with increased availability of 5Gwith a 63.9% penetration. The Big Apple is absolute leader in that field according to an analysis of 40 cities carried out last year by the specialized firm Ookla, although in that same study other cities, including Seville, surpass it, by far, in the average download speed offered by the network.

Implementation and use are increasing in the private sectorwhich according to analysts has more growth potential. Connectivity in commercial premises has increased and private networks have exploded, opening up enormous possibilities in fields such as augmented reality, precision robotics, manufacturing or the internet of things. But there is also a decided commitment at public level for extending the infrastructure to give all citizens access to 5G.

The city, which already had the largest municipal Wi-Fi network in the entire United States, LinkNYC, with 2,000 access points, launched in July 2022 Link5G, with whom he plans deploy another 2,000 kiosks around the city, 90% of them in areas of the Bronx, Brooklyn, Queens, Staten Island and above 96th Street in Manhattan that are currently underfunded.

With this extension, Eric Adams City Council and the Office of Technology and Innovation (OTI) strive to put an end to the so-called “internet deserts”, very real in a city where 40% of homes do not have broadband for landline and mobile, and 18%, or 1.5 million, neither. But it also seeks to facilitate the implementation of a technology that, according to a report by the Boston Consulting Group, has the potential to generate an impact of 77,000 million on GDP of the metropolitan area in the decade 2020-2030.

Rejection of the towers

The municipal plan is not exempt from controversy. In some neighborhoods there is a fierce resistance to the installation of the towers that embrace 5G technology, enormous poles of almost 10 meters tall crowned by a cylindrical structure where telecommunications companies can install the necessary equipment.

Several people check their cell phones on a street in New York. Photo: Mike Segar/Reuters

Several people check their cell phones on a street in New York. Photo: Mike Segar / Reuters

Local politicians such as state Assembly member Alex Bores and Washington Congressman Jerry Nadler have joined neighborhood groups to call for alternatives. And at a protest event this year on the Upper East Side, Bores presented a report in which he makes recommendations such as that the community have more say in the decision, that infrastructure that already exists what are you looking for”most elegant designs that reflect the personality of the neighborhoods.”

CityBridge, the consortium of companies with experts in technology, user experience and connectivity that has the franchise of the municipal Wi-Fi network, has responded to criticism by questioning them as “another misguided attempt of a group based on one of the richer communities to deny all neighborhoods enhanced, high-speed public Wi-Fi.” It is reported that behind the resistance lies the traditional “not in my backyard” thinking. And it is remembered that the towers were approved by the Public Design Commission after a rigorous review process how hard three years.

Unstoppable expansion

The expansion of 5G in New York is, in any case, unstoppable. From the press department of T-Mobileone of the large operators, ensures that its 5G network already covers the 100% of the city and points to “evolving alliances” that are extending their use: from sports stadiums to schools, thanks to an agreement with the Board of Education. AT&T, Another of the large telecommunications companies explains that between 2020 and 2022 it invested 1.7 billion in infrastructure in the state of New York. The company highlights its work with companies in various sectors, from manufacture to the healthas well as the improved performance in high traffic areas such as airports and cultural or sports venues. And makes special mention of FirstNet, a specific network for emergency workers and public safety.

#working #compare #York #London #Paris

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