Parents must prevent the risk of their children being abused

by time news

2023-12-29 20:05:45

Parents’ care for their children and protection against the indirect risks that pornography poses were the subject of a publication by Pastor Jack, from the Vintage Church, in Porto Alegre (RS).

Jack, who adopts a blunt tone in his messages – and promotes a movement to recover masculinity based on what the Bible teaches – used social media to talk about issues involving sexuality and the risk of someone addicted to pornography ending up involved in pedophilia .

“5 irrefutable and immutable truths that every Christian must accept,” announced Jack. The first, a warning about the risk of sexual abuse against children: “If your father-in-law, father or brother has contact with pornography, he should stay away from your children. There are no exceptions!”, he recommended.

The pastor’s advice was given the day after the death of youtuber PC Siqueira, who years ago faced accusations of involvement in pedophilia, but the case ended up being charged. With his death, the topic was debated again on social media.

“Having sex in the same room your children are sleeping in is a crime! You should be arrested!” she stated, pointing to the second topic on her list.

He then spoke about the couple’s stance as parents in raising their children and developing an understanding that intimacy must be protected and respected: “Shared beds are for weak fathers and mothers”.

The fourth point was directed at Christians who allow themselves to be influenced and adopt unbiblical ideological premises: “’Christian’ who relativizes abortion must be excommunicated immediately!”

The fifth and final “irrefutable truth” that Pastor Jack pointed out was again directed at couples: “Sex must be offered within marriage on free demand! Whoever is ‘thirsty’ must help themselves to their spouse’s body! Denying sex is a sin (1Co 7:3-5)”, concluded.

#Parents #prevent #risk #children #abused

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