France will no longer accept new “seconded imams” from January 1, 2024

by time news

2023-12-29 23:16:44

This was one of Emmanuel Macron’s promises to fight against “separatism” during his speech in Mureaux (Yvelines): France will no longer accept new imams “detached”that is to say sent by other countries, from January 1, 2024, reports Agence France-Presse (AFP), Friday December 29, which consulted a letter to the countries concerned written by the Minister of interior Gérald Darmanin.

At the beginning of 2020, Emmanuel Macron announced his desire to end the reception of some 300 imams sent by various countries (Algeria, Turkey, Morocco, etc.) and to simultaneously increase the number of imams trained in France. “We are working on the end of seconded imams in 2024”had specified the then Minister of the Interior, Christophe Castaner.

After April 1, 2024, seconded imams still present in the territory will not be able to remain there “under this status”, adds the minister in this letter. For those who are already there, they will have to change their status: from April 1, a “specific framework” will be put in place to allow associations managing places of worship to recruit imams themselves, whom they will directly employ. The goal is not to prevent foreign imams from preaching in France, but to ensure that none are paid by a foreign state of which they are a civil servant or public agent.

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The government wants more imams trained in France

On the other hand, the arrival of« imams du ramadan »these approximately 300 chanters and reciters who go to France during the blessed month for Muslims, is not, “not questioned”, according to this missive. At the same time, emphasis is placed on the need for “increasing share” imams officiating in the territory are, “at least partially, trained in France”. This requires developing training and the State wants to “attentive” what an offer “respectful of the laws and principles of the Republic” expands quickly.

Beyond religious training, it is also about supporting imams’ access to university training, such as those launched in 2023 by the French Institute of Islamology for example. Questioned by AFP, Mohammed Moussaoui, president of the Union of Mosques of France (UMF) believes, on the Moroccan side, that he has no longer been concerned since 2021 by the measure announced by Mr. Darmanin.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers The training of imams in France back on the table

According to him, the 27 seconded Moroccan imams were hired by UMF associations and no longer receive funding from Rabat. The number of detached Algerian imams is estimated at 120. Determined to fight against “Islamist separatism”Emmanuel Macron announced in February 2020 a series of measures against “foreign influences” on Islam in France, ranging from seconded imams to the financing of mosques.

To better organize Muslim worship, a Forum of Islam in France (Forif) was also launched in February 2022, with field actors supposed to better represent the country’s second religion. But this body is struggling to establish itself in the fragmented landscape of Islam in France. A second annual session of the Forif must, however, be scheduled within the ” next weeks “AFP learned from the Interior Ministry.

Read also: Article reserved for our subscribers At the Forum de l’Islam de France, the question of financing still divides

The World with AFP

#France #longer #accept #seconded #imams #January

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