the entire speech by Dr Dansa Kourouma at the opening of the plenary devoted to the examination of the 2024 finance law – Information in Guinea and around the world

by time news

2023-12-22 17:15:41

Friday December 22, 2023


Following the catastrophic fire at the fuel depot, which occurred on the night of Sunday December 17 to Monday December 18, 2023, in Kaloum, I would like, I want, like each of you, to pay the Nation’s tribute, to all the victims. I invite you to sing our anthem FREEDOM a second time, to very solemnly express the most magnificent symbolic response, the most magnificent tribute to the dead, the injured, and the families who are in immense and inconsolable pain, to their loved ones, for their demonstrate the depth of our compassion, the strength of our support and our solidarity, the third pillar of our motto.



The President of the Republic Colonel Mamadi DOUMBOUYA said it yesterday, with strong, personal words: the REPUBLIC AND THE WHOLE PEOPLE stand and will stand by their side.

During the ordeal, you recalled it by the expression of your surge of patriotic generosity. Our people mobilized spontaneously, from Monday to give the most beautiful human posture to the tragedy which afflicts them. Together, we must say, and we have also been able to say it, and with what force and pugnacity, our indissoluble unity.

The Guinean people, once again, lived up to their history. However, being on par with history is an immense, I would say sublime, requirement. The hemicycle is the place for us to piously bow to the memory of all the civilian and military victims and the tragic events linked to this catastrophe. To each of the bereaved families, we send our sincere condolences. Also, for the rest of the souls of the deceased, let us join the families of Kaloum and the President of the Republic, in fervent prayers during these three days of decreed mourning.

Ladies and gentlemen

In this plenary session, which inaugurates the examination of the Initial Finance Law 2024 and in view of all the challenges that await us, you will agree with me, dear colleagues, that our task will be very laborious. In this circumstance therefore, in addition to our sovereign mission consisting of legislating, we will necessarily have to ensure the orientation, control and monitoring-evaluation of the Transition roadmap, through the analysis of the budget which we is submitted.

Our credibility, as National Advisors, and that of the CNT, as the legislative body of the transition, are at stake. Consequently, what is being asked of us, on the occasion of the budgetary review, is a real national upsurge which should allow us legislators to offer the Republic of Guinea the ostensible premises of the resounding success of the transition process.

For these reasons, dear colleagues, audacity, self-sacrifice, diligence and patriotism must be and remain our unique and permanent credo. This provision will necessarily call upon ethical values ​​such as exemplarity, which translates into, among other things, availability, punctuality and diligence in work.

It should also be emphasized that the draft Budget for the 2024 financial year places, like that of previous years, emphasis on programs and projects with high impact and lasting effects, which meet the priority and strategic needs of the Guinean state.

The goal of growth, which it must drive, is to ensure a better quality of life for all Guinean citizens, to build strong and smiling communities and families, as well as to strengthen the foundations of development and resilience. of our rural, urban and peri-urban areas, now and in the decade to come.

Our commitment is to support government action, which we have the privilege of controlling, to achieve growth and emergence that benefits everyone. Growth and emergence which means that all citizens of the Republic of Guinea have access to all the basic social services they need, when they need them.

Our budget, through the objectivity and depth of our analyses, must be sincere and constructive and, in the end, we will be able to claim that it is Guinea that wins!

Ladies and Gentlemen National Councilors

Let us ensure that the budgetary measures, which we are going to vote on, generate, through our management services, more revenue, for more structural expenditure, because our ambitions for our homeland, Guinea, must rise to the height of the dynamic aspirations of our populations. I take this opportunity to affirm here that the parliamentary debate on the state budget, which will take place over the following days, cannot be, and will not be, a sterile debate. It will be fruitful with the firm desire to build in stone, the well-being of our fellow citizens.

I warmly welcome the citizen expression of contradictory opinions, both in the committees and at the intercommittee. Without these contradictory debates, we would miss out on the necessary education, contained in constructive dialogue with national services, to make Guineans understand where we want to take this country.

These debates demonstrated, with fruitful eloquence, that the state budget is not just a pile of figures. It is rather the numerical expression of our present, but also of our future. This is why our budget must be analyzed without complacency.

Ladies and gentlemen,

More revenue, for more spending, because our ambitions must increasingly follow the path of budgetary sovereignty. We must depend, less and less, on public development assistance and we must rely, more and more, on our strengths and resources alone. In this regard, our mission is to imagine the present and the future, to shape them and, thereby, to constantly transform them in depth.

Allow me to paraphrase this famous appeal, launched in the 19th century by the poet and politician Victor HUGO, I quote: “Senators, show that you are needed”. I say: “National Advisors, show that you are necessary and indispensable”, because politics is the art of forecasting and good execution and our job is to implement effective, efficient and economical budgetary measures. The coming years must be those of rebound and action for the irreversibility of the transition.

It is for the benefit of these mine reflections that I declare open the examination of the 2024 Finance Law.


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