Basque business leaders ask to reduce tension in the face of a more demanding economic cycle

by time news

2023-12-31 01:39:42

Sunday, December 31, 2023, 00:39


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Carlos Torres President of BBVA

Banks, facing a key 2024 for Spain

We face 2024 immersed in an uncertain global scenario, with geopolitical tensions and inflation above the 2% target. So far, Spain has performed better than most of its European neighbors. (Read more)

Ignacio S. Galán President of Iberdrola

Bringing clean energy to every home

Electrification is transforming our energy systems. Its advantages are increasingly evident. But sometimes it is difficult to appreciate the contribution of your entire value chain. (Read more)

Antón Arriola President of Kutxabank

Strengthening the financial industry

2024 starts with the enthusiasm, commitment and desire to give new impetus to the Basque financial industry, with initiatives such as the financial cluster promoted by the Basque Government. (Read more)

Tamara Yagüe President of Confebask

Less dynamism

The latest surveys carried out on Basque companies by our territories – Adegi, Cebek and SEA – have a common denominator: the majority perception that we are facing a stagnation of activity and a slowdown of the economy, at the moment more striking than serious. (Read more)

Antón Pradera President of CIE Automotive

Much progress, much to do

It is normal that when you finish an exercise you have a feeling of rest, that although it has been more difficult than expected, efforts have been made to live up to expectations. (Read more)

Xabier Sagredo President of BBK

The price to pay

We live among profound global crises, starting with the area of ​​climate in its deepest ecological sense, of course, but coming to encompass our very nature as social beings and the way in which we interact. (Read more)

Emiliano López Atxurra President of Petronor

The year for Europe to act

2024, year of European elections. The result in June will determine where the future of our children will go. Or more Europe with a vocation to respond to the challenge of the new world that is emerging. (Read more)

Txomin García Presidente Laboral Box

Uncertainty and risks

2024 is a year conducive to different economic scenarios due to the high uncertainty associated with the different risks that threaten us. On the one hand, we perceive notable geopolitical risks derived from the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East, which are difficult to manage. (Read more)

Jose Antonio Jainaga President of Sidenor

Flexibility and adaptability

In the last three years we have had to face an unprecedented health crisis, an energy crisis that has put our companies in check, a war on the borders of Europe and very recently an armed conflict in the Middle East. (Read more)

Francisco Riberas President of Gestamp

Be leaders in electric mobility

The automotive sector in Euskadi has achieved, thanks to decades of work well done, the support and respect of the industry, both inside and outside the country. The acquired strength is today the best asset to face the challenges posed by electrification. (Read more)

Andrés Sendagorta President of Sener

People make the differences

Engineering has always had the challenge of solving technologically complex challenges. It is an element of their nature, present even in their etymology: ingenuity and talent spur them to undertake their ultimate goal. (Read more)

Andrés Arizkorreta President of CAF

Lead sustainable mobility

We are ending a year characterized once again by a complicated geopolitical situation that affects the entire economy. The first Russian invasion of Ukraine and the most recent conflict in the Middle East are influencing the world order. (Read more)

Rosa Carabel President Eroski

Adaptation and cooperation

We close a year marked by unprecedented inflationary tension in the food sector. As a result, a new profile of consumers with reduced disposable income who prioritize price and savings above all, and a sector that has had to adapt quickly and under the pressure of unfair criticism. (Read more)

David Udakiola CEO Michelin Vitoria

A demanding and uncertain year

In a context of extreme complexity, marked by an unprecedented global geopolitical situation and a drastic reduction in production volumes, the year 2024 appears demanding and uncertain. And, logically, the Michelin plant in Vitoria-Gasteiz is no stranger to this market situation. (Read more)

Jesús Esmorís CEO of Tubacex

Overcoming goals, facing challenges

2023 has marked an important milestone in the trajectory of our company, advancing by two years the achievement of the set strategic objectives and reaffirming us as a key player in the energy transition. This year we celebrated our 60th anniversary, with a clear commitment to the future. (Read more)

Bernd Krottmayer
Director general Mercedes Vitoria

70 years in top form

Our Mercedes-Benz factory in Vitoria began its activity at the headquarters on Avenida de los Huetos in 1954. This new year we will celebrate our 70th birthday. 70 years of dedication, innovation and success. From our modest beginnings to becoming an example of industrial excellence we have reinvented ourselves. (Read more)

Gonzalo Sánchez President of Pwc

Revitalize our values

2023 has been the year of uncertainties and 2024 will be the year of challenges. If we want to maintain the good tone of employment and public accounts, we must overcome the atony of a Europe very damaged by the problems in its industry, by the increase in prices and the containment of exports. (Read more)

Carlos Alzola CEO of ITP Aero

Flight towards decarbonization

During 2023 we have seen how the resilience that characterizes the industry has given rise to a recovery of the aeronautical sector that has advanced slowly but steadily until it materialized as a reality. (Read more)

Mikel Barandiaran CEO of Dominion

AI, key to improving competitiveness

2023 has been the year of generative artificial intelligence. We are, without a doubt, facing a disruptive technology called to modify our business processes and help us be more efficient. (Read more)

Javier Ormazabal President of Velatia

Responsibility and collaboration

In 2024, whatever the context in which we live, we will be doing what we always do, adapting to the circumstances with tenacity and ambition to overcome the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities that the new year has in store for us. (Read more)

Gorka Schmitt
Director general de Vidrala

Action in times of change

The year 2023 should not be interpreted without taking into account the previous three or four years. We will agree that we are living in very intense times. We have gone through a pandemic, which modified our lifestyle habits to unimaginable extremes. (Read more)

Mariano Ucar President of Faes Farme

Gain strategic autonomy

In recent years, the fragile global geopolitical balances have suffered shocks whose impact at the national level has left us with a climate of uncertainty and disturbing phenomena such as war, inflation, energy crisis or food insecurity. (Read more)

Teresa Madariaga President of Ingeteam

Solid foundations in the face of changes

Those of us who are an active part of the industrial sector know well that very solid foundations are needed to withstand the vagaries of the geopolitical, economic and environmental scenario in which we are immersed. (Read more)

Ricardo Chocarro CEO of Aernnova

Growth: transformation time

The year that ends shows record order book increases in the main global commercial aircraft manufacturers, which makes us optimistic and forces us to prepare for the continuity of the recovery and growth of the sector during 2024. (Read more)

Jochen Eickholt CEO Siemens Gamesa

Europe has no time to waste

Climate change is an increasingly pressing problem. According to a recent CIS survey, three out of four Spaniards are very concerned about climate change. Preventing temperatures from increasing by more than 1.5ºC requires an annual reduction in global emissions of 7% until 2030. (Read more)

Carlos Palacio President of Talgo

Opportunities in a constantly changing world

Although reality has taught us that we must be prepared for any unforeseen event, the prospects for 2024 present us with uncertainties and instabilities. Have we not learned enough until this very 2023 that has just ended? (Read more)

Carlos López de las Heras General Director of Tubos Reunidos

The key is in the industry and its decarbonization

We also know that the societies that enjoy greater well-being derived from quality jobs are those in which industry has greater weight. And our industry also has a challenge: its decarbonization. (Read more)

Jon Ander de las Fuentes Director of Euskaltel

A living and changing environment

In a year full of challenges at all levels, Euskaltel has proven to be a stable force in the telecommunications landscape of Euskadi. During 2023, we have exceeded our growth expectations in attracting new fiber and mobile customers. (Read more)

José Ramón Fernández de Barrena President of the Uvesco Group

Diversity as an economic challenge

2024 is going to be a year in which the evolution of companies in the Retail sector will once again be influenced mainly by inflation. Therefore, we will have to be very attentive to its behavior. (Read more)

Iñigo Ucin President of the General Council of Mondragón

Get it right by cooperating

Never have so many changes coincided at the same time, so profound, at such speed and with some of the causes being as unusual and unexpected as the pandemic and wars, among others. Strong alterations appear in geopolitics. (Read more)

Ana Santiago CEO of Sisteplant

Establish processes and leverage improvements

Next year’s economic outlook will be marked by the slowdown of the European economy, so, from a business perspective, it will be necessary to undertake strategies that allow diversifying the sources of business generation, both sectorally and geographically. (Read more)

Carolina Pérez de Toledo President of Cebek

Legal and regulatory security

We are getting used to living with uncertainties and shocks. The GDP growth data in Euskadi 2023 is close to 2.4%, and although the forecast for 2024 is somewhat lower, we have employment figures that are a strength for the economy. (Read more)

Pascal Gómez President SEA-Businessman Alaveses

Contained optimism

We enter 2024 after a year that has passed without major changes compared to the existing forecasts. It has not been an exercise of great ups and downs; We had a somewhat busier first semester and in this second semester activity has slowed down. (Read more)

Eduardo Junkera President of Adegi

The forecasts have been fulfilled

At the beginning of 2023, Adegi, like every year, asked companies about their prospects for this year. The main conclusion derived from the survey was a GDP growth forecast for Gipuzkoa that we placed between 0.5% and 2%. (Read more)

Ignacio Marco-Gardoqui Analyst

As usual

Open the shaker. Add in some languid growth, a consequence of the hardships of our best clients, who are following a trend asymptotic to recession. Add inflation that is contained, but not controlled, due to the famous second wave effects. (Read more)

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