Unilab: Retrospective 2023

by time news

2023-12-30 21:56:09

We are finishing another academic year, there were many achievements, among the difficulties faced by public institutions in recent years, especially post-pandemic. At the University of International Integration of Afro-Brazilian Lusofonia (Unilab), it has been no different. Therefore, it is important that we celebrate our victories, advances and daily achievements, as a collective and shared action within higher management, with the rectory, vice-rector, pro-rectors, directors, coordinators, servers, teachers, collaborators and students who build this public space every day.

It is noteworthy here that Unilab, as a Public, Free, Internalized and International Federal University, has the mission of guaranteeing access to quality public education, which is no easy task. And within this perspective of contributing to the strengthening of higher education in the country, Unilab set itself the challenge of growing and expanding its offer of undergraduate and postgraduate education in 2023, articulating different fronts of actions that directly benefit teaching, research and extension.

In this sense, in this retrospective, important actions carried out with a focus on institutional strengthening are highlighted. Such actions were only possible due to the committed performance of those who work in higher management within the scope of Unilab and the support of the academic community. Therefore, the objective is to give feedback to this community on the work developed throughout 2023.

Featured Stocks:

Launch of Monitoring of Legal Compliance and Regulations and Internal Control (MCLCI);

Launch of the Integrity Plan Monitoring Panel;

Creation of the Manual for the Preparation of Unilab Internal Regulations;

Execution of the urbanization work at the Palmares Academic Unit;

Execution of the urbanization work on the Auroras Campus;
Conclusion of the tender for contracting the remainder of the work on the annexed blocks of the Malês Campus;

Completion of the implementation of the video monitoring system (CCTV) of the 02 (two) campuses and academic unit (Ceará);

Completion of the tender aimed at contracting integrated transport services, with new vehicles, including compliance in the contract with an accessible bus;

Approval of a Decentralized Execution Term (TED) in the amount of R$ 10,500,000.00 intended for the resumption of Construction of the Annex Blocks of the Malês/BA Campus;

Carrying out negotiations with the Ministry of Education (MEC) for the payment of emergency aid for Malês students, due to the closure of the UK. With the payment of four installments in the amounts: R$ 315.32, 3rd Installment: R$ 152.88 and a 4th installment: R$ 358.40;

Expansion of free services at the University Restaurant (Ceará);

Restructuring of Technology Laboratories on the Auroras Campus;

II University Internationalization Seminar held, with significant participation from the academic community, strategic managers from the Ministry of Education, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, CNPq/MCTI, ambassadors and researchers from Unesp, Unicamp, UFSJ and UFC;

Expansion of the 2023 International Student Selection Process with a record 13,286 applicants, which represents a growth of 65.66% compared to the previous edition;

Migration regularization of 299 students entering the academic semesters 2022.2 and 2023.1;

The 2023 edition of PSEI 2023 was marked by interiorization of the process, with the application of tests beyond the countries’ capitals, as happened in Nampula (Mozambique) and in the autonomous region of Príncipe (São Tomé and Príncipe);

Qualitative advance in Unilab’s relations with the municipalities of the Maciço de Baturité;

Expansion of partnerships: 54 national and 8 international cooperation instruments were signed, including an international internship agreement;

Expansion of terms of collaboration with Civil Society Organizations previously accredited to execute projects;

Expansion of links with institutions in various countries and regions, including Guinea-Bissau, Mozambique, Puerto Rico, the United States and South Africa. This provided the provision of EAD English courses;

Offering the International Education in Energy and Environment course for Unilab employees, a partnership project between professors from the University of Puerto Rico and the Institute of Engineering and Sustainable Development (IEDS/Unilab), also favoring the internationalization of research;

Advances in the Interiorization Plan;

Creation of the Medicine Course;

Creation, implementation and evaluation of undergraduate courses;

Offering support for teacher training and improvement of teaching-learning strategies;

Compliance with legal teaching regulations in the training of different areas in the process of evaluating PPCs, course evaluation and institutional evaluations;

Strengthening the internationalization of Research;

Approval of the Doctorate in Nursing, offered by the Postgraduate Program in Nursing (PPGENF), aimed at health professionals and focused on the area of ​​Health and Nursing in the context of Portuguese-speaking countries;

Participation in the Digital Corridors Program – Enabling Innovation Environments;

Expansion of the offer of scientific initiation scholarships, in total 205 quotas of scholarships were offered in different modalities, financed by Unilab, state funding agencies (FAPESB and FUNCAP) and CNPq;

Establishment of partnerships with community organizations to organize courses and workshops, encourage participatory research, hold cultural and artistic events, among other activities;

Offer of 90 scholarships for the Extension, Art and Culture Scholarship Program – Notice no. 01/2023;

Granting of 105 scholarships for the VII Unilab Festival of Cultures;

Strengthening ties between the institution and the community surrounding Unilab.

We thank everyone who contributed to these achievements.

Unilab: Federal, Public, Free, Internalized and International

Feliz 2024!

Check out the retrospective video

#Unilab #Retrospective

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