This good news came in 2023

by time news

2023-12-31 20:40:28

No more cable clutter

Standard cable instead of tangled cables: It should come by the end of 2024 at the latest. The federal government decided this at the end of October, thereby implementing a corresponding EU requirement. A USB-C charging port is required as the new standard. The regulation applies not only to smartphones, but also to numerous other electrical devices sold in Germany, such as digital cameras, headphones, tablets and e-readers. croc.

Record number of employed people

Never before have so many people been employed in the Federal Republic as in 2023: in the third quarter for the first time more than 46 million. Due to weaker inflation, real wages are also rising again. The Federal Statistical Office also reports a population record of 84.6 million inhabitants. The decisive factor for this was net immigration, meaning that significantly more people moved in than left. This was especially true for refugees from Ukraine. itz.

Mobile with the Deutschlandticket

Since May 1st, there has been a standard price for local public transport in Germany: for 49 euros a month, anyone can travel through Germany on regional buses and trains. The introduction took place at a record-breaking pace, and since then the Deutschlandticket has been driving forward the digitization of transport associations. The fact that not everything is perfect here is in the nature of things: the ticket price is very low, which requires high subsidies from the state – and these always cause disputes. cbu.

Digitalization helps patients

The past year brought important digital laws in the healthcare sector. Electronic prescriptions will be available nationwide in 2024, followed a year later by electronic patient files for all insured persons who do not object. If everything goes well, the procedures save time, travel, money, relieve the burden on waiting rooms and staff and even save lives: emergency doctors immediately recognize previous illnesses or intolerances in the electronic patient file. itz.

Farewell to malaria

Malaria is still one of the leading causes of death worldwide. But study results published this year show that a developed R21/Matrix-M vaccine is highly effective and a vaccination strategy that relies on boosters is raising hopes of eradicating the tropical disease once and for all. wvp.

Stock prices are rising sharply

Dax, S&P 500, MSCI World: Things have improved significantly on the stock markets in 2023 – and not just for stocks like Microsoft with a Chat-GPT connection. The Dax also celebrated records driven by stocks such as SAP, Rheinmetall and Adidas. The companies’ business is going well despite all the challenges. Higher prices bring a lot of money into their coffers and lead to record profits. Telekom and the car companies earn particularly well. dmoh.

Investment works without subsidies

It is one of the largest investments by the pharmaceutical industry in Germany, and it does not require subsidies: in mid-November, the US pharmaceutical company Eli Lilly announced that it would build a production facility in Rhineland-Palatinate for 2.3 billion euros. In contrast to the planned locations of the semiconductor industry, no government funds will flow. The company is also making big profits with the slimming products that Lilly wants to produce at the Alzey site from 2027. par.

Jörg Thomann Published/Updated: A comment from Inken Schönauer Published/Updated: Recommendations: 14 Published/Updated: FAS Published/Updated: Recommendations: 6

Houses cost less

For a long time, real estate prices only knew one direction – upwards. This year, purchase prices have fallen significantly: by 10 percent or more, various analyzes show. This will annoy the seller, but please the buyer. Although building interest rates have risen, those who have already found sufficient capital and the house of their choice need to fear less competition. Prospective buyers have more time to think about and calculate everything. etc.

Forever on stage

The Rolling Stones are going on tour again in 2024, but at some point it will inevitably be over for them too. Or maybe they just hand over to their digital images, like Kiss just did. Abba’s Avatar show, which Pophouse Entertainment is also responsible for, serves as a model. Will the expensive undertaking catch on? In any case, more than 1.9 million fans have wanted to see the Abba avatars since May 2022. bfch.

Finally take a hot shower again

The times when there was a serious gas shortage and politicians recommended using washcloths for personal hygiene are over. The storage facilities are almost full and supplies this winter are secured – also because Germany approved and built liquid gas terminals at a record pace. The markets have calmed down and prices for gas and electricity have fallen significantly. had.

A paralyzed person can walk again

A spinal cord injury disrupts communication between the brain and the region of the spinal cord that enables walking, resulting in paralysis. An international team of researchers has managed to initiate communication with a “digital bridge”. Electrodes planted in the brain send thought-triggered radio signals to the region responsible for leg movement. Dutch patient Gert-Jan Oskam can stand, walk, climb stairs and even walk through hilly terrain. The system also helps the healing of the nerve pathways. The patient can now even walk on crutches again when the system is switched off. wvp.

200 euros for students

Finally it was the students’ turn: In order to cushion the increased cost of living, students were able to apply for a one-off energy allowance of 200 euros from the end of February to the beginning of October. The payment was agreed by the federal government in the third relief package. More than 2.8 million applications have been received – the federal government has allocated around 568 million euros for this. croc.

#good #news

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