Go to prison for a glass of honey

by time news

2023-12-31 18:16:54

Honey has always been more than just a sweet treat. Hippocrates of Kos, the most famous doctor of antiquity, recommended honey against fever around 400 years before Christ. Because of its healing properties and its high price – a jar of honey was worth about as much as a donkey – the nectar was also a popular stolen item. In the early Middle Ages, Salian law, the oldest German code, warned against theft with high penalties. And in 1859, the poet and illustrator Wilhelm Busch caricatured two children who were illegally helping themselves to their neighbor’s beehive in his work “The Little Honey Thieves”.

Stefanie Diemand

Editor in the economy of the Frankfurter Allgemeine Sonntagszeitung

Actually, honey flows in abundance today. Nevertheless, honey is still stolen – and on a large scale. New Zealand beekeepers have been reporting thefts for some time. According to New Zealand media reports, not only the finished honey is stolen, but also entire beehives and bee colonies. Some beekeepers are already trying to secure their goods and honeycombs with GPS transmitters. D

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