North Korean Leader Kim Jong Un Vows to “Thoroughly Annihilate” US and South Korea: What It Means for Global Politics and Tensions

by time news

Kim Jong Un Orders Military to ‘Thoroughly Annihilate’ the United States and South Korea

By HYUNG-JIN KIM Associated Press
December 31, 2023

SEOUL, South Korea — North Korean leader Kim Jong Un ordered his military to “thoroughly annihilate” the United States and South Korea if provoked, state media reported Monday. The order was made during a meeting with commanding army officers the previous day.

Kim is expected to ramp up weapons tests in 2024 ahead of the U.S. presidential election in November. Many experts believe that he is aiming to use his expanded nuclear arsenal as leverage in future diplomacy with the U.S., particularly if former President Donald Trump is reelected.

In a five-day major ruling party meeting last week, Kim announced plans to launch three more military spy satellites, produce more nuclear materials, and develop attack drones this year, as part of an attempt to increase his leverage in future diplomacy with the U.S.

During the meeting with commanding army officers, Kim stated that it is urgent to sharpen “the treasured sword” to safeguard national security, citing “the U.S. and other hostile forces’ military confrontation moves.”

To further increase tensions, Kim called South Korea “a hemiplegic malformation and colonial subordinate state” whose society is “tainted by Yankee culture.” He stated that his military must use all available means, including nuclear weapons, to “suppress the whole territory of South Korea” in the event of a conflict.

In response, South Korea’s Defense Ministry warned that if North Korea attempts to use nuclear weapons, South Korean and U.S. forces will punish it overwhelmingly, resulting in the end of the Kim government.

Experts predict small-scale military clashes between North and South Korea could occur this year along their heavily armed border. Additionally, North Korea is expected to test-launch intercontinental ballistic missiles capable of reaching the mainland U.S. and other major new weapons.

North Korea has conducted more than 100 missile tests since 2022, prompting the U.S. and South Korea to expand their joint military drills. North Korea has also tried to strengthen its relationships with China and Russia, which have blocked efforts by the U.S. and its partners in the U.N. Security Council to toughen U.N. sanctions on North Korea over its weapons tests.

Estimates of the size of North Korea’s nuclear arsenal vary, ranging from about 20-30 bombs to more than 100. However, many foreign experts believe that North Korea still has some technological hurdles to overcome to produce functioning nuclear-armed ICBMs, though its shorter-range nuclear-capable missiles can reach South Korea and Japan.

In the wake of these escalating tensions, it remains to be seen what further actions will be taken by the U.S., South Korea, and other countries in response to North Korea’s recent threats.

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