The Galician elections take the Central Electoral Board into office and without renewing

by time news

2024-01-01 13:27:00

It would be up to you to resolve the resources that may be raised from the provincial and regional boards to the highest national body.

01 ene 2024 . Updated at 12:27 p.m.

He advance of the autonomous elections in Galiciawhich have been convened for next February 18, has surprised the Central Electoral Board (JEC) with the composition of the last legislature and without having been renewed by Congress, which had a period of ninety days that ended weeks ago.

The JEC, the highest body of the Electoral Administration based in Congress, is composed of eight justices of the Supreme Court designated by lottery and five active professors of Law or Political Sciences and Sociology appointed by the Lower House at the joint proposal of the parties. The director of the Electoral Census Office also attends, with voice but without vote, and the general secretary of Congress acts as secretary of the JEC.

It is the only electoral body that has a permanent character, since the zone, provincial and autonomous boards are expressly created for each electoral process, but its members are not life-long positions, but rather They must be renewed in each legislature.

The LOREG (Organic Law of the General Electoral Regime) obliges Congress to renew the JEC in the ninety days following the constitution of the Cortes. That deadline started last August and has already been largely exceeded without the Congressional Board having received any proposal from the parties with parliamentary representation.

The one who has done its duties has been the Judiciary, since At the beginning of November, the General Council (CGPJ) announced the names of the eight magistrates of the Supreme Court that will be integrated into the new JEC, chosen by insaculation, that is, in a drawing by entering all the names and removing the chosen ones. From among them will come the people who occupy the Presidency and Vice-Presidency of the Board this term.

These are three magistrates from the Criminal Court – Carmen Lamela, Javier Hernndez Garca and Miguel Magro Servet -; two from Contentious-Administrative –ngelRamn Arozamena and María Isabel Perell–; two others from the Social Room –ngel Antonio Blasco Pellicer and Concepción Rosario Ureste–; and one from the Military Chamber: Fernando Martín Castón.

The judge who investigated Trapero

On that list there are names that have managed very well-known causes. Carmen Lamela, for example, when she was in the National Court, directed the judicial investigation against the former Mossos d’Esquadra major Josep Llus Trapero, who was finally acquitted. Ángel Ramón Arozamena Laso was one of the two magistrates who cast a dissenting vote against the admission to processing of the appeals presented by the PP, Ciudadanos and Vox against the pardons granted to those convicted by the processes.

In addition, Isabel Perell Domnech was one of the judges that the progressive members of the CGPJ considered at the time to become a member of the Constitutional Court, while the magistrate Vicente Magro Servet was a senator of the PP for Alicante between 1996 and 1997 and years later, in In 2001, he became president of the Alicante Provincial Court, a position he held until 2016.

Which missing son the five professors who must be appointed by the Congress table at the proposal of the parties, a distribution that usually depends on the weight of the different parliamentary groups. The current ones were proposed by the PSOE (two members), the PP, Vox and Unidas Podemos (one each). After the elections of July 23, it is foreseeable that now it will be the PP that proposes two names and the PSOE only one.

When Congress approves its proposal, the five professors must pass an examination before the Advisory Commission on Appointments so that the Chamber gives its approval, a procedure that the eight members of the judicial career are exempt from.

As long as this renewal does not occur, the current Central Electoral Board chaired by Judge Miguel Colmenero will continue to exercise its functions and supervise the ongoing electoral processes. In the case of the Galician elections, the bulk of the electoral administration tasks will be carried out by the provincial and regional boards, but the JEC must be prepared for the resources that may reach Madrid.

Filed in: Galician elections

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