Expo Dubai, Bracco tells the future of predictive medicine

by time news

Intelligent imaging speaks Italian

The future starts here. The Bracco Group, as Official Gold Sponsor of the Italian Pavilion, will be among the protagonists of the Health and Wellness Week, one of the 10 thematic reviews of Expo 2020 Dubai. And it will do so by inviting us to “look beyond”, with some important initiatives aimed at enhancing the Italian research model in the life sciences sector. Under the title #BeyondLifeSciences, the Group led by Diana Bracco, a global leader in the field of diagnostic imaging, will turn the spotlight on the global agora of the Universal Exposition on the latest discoveries in medical research and scientific innovation, presenting cutting-edge solutions in the field of health, safety and prevention, starting from the application with dellartificial intelligence to diagnostic imaging.

Expo 2020 Dubai reaffirmed the centrality of life sciences in the current economic and social context and the need to move in a collaborative approach, public-private, and multilateral. Our partnership with the Bracco Group allows us to bring the Italian model, in some respects unique, of science and competence, into the debate and comparison of experiences that we have been hosting and animating in recent months “, said the General Commissioner for Italy at Expo Dubai, Paolo Glisenti.

Global Health Innovation Forum

On January 31, Diana Bracco, as President of the trade winds National Cluster, will open the first edition of Global Health Innovation Forum, organized by Alisei at Expo 2020 Dubai, which sees the participation of internationally renowned institutional and scientific speakers such as: Maria Cristina Messa, Italian Minister of University and Research and Sara Al Amiri, Minister of Science and Advanced Technology UAE and Maria Cristina Russo, Director of Global approach & International cooperation in the European Commission.

Keynote speaker will be professor Sir Mark Caulfield, CEO of Barts Life Sciences, Queen Mary University of London, who will speak on “Precision Medicine – transforming healthcare” together with Ilaria Capua, Director One Health Center of Excellence, University of Florida.

During the second part of the Forum, a round table will be held with other eminent speakers such as: Paola Testori Coggi, T20 Italy, Global Health Covid Task Force, Lorenzo Wittum, representative of B20 Italy, Health Life Sciences Task Force and Smita Srinivas, National Center for Biological Sciences, Tata Research Institute, India.

To follow the proceedings of the Health Innovation Global Forum on January 31 at 11 am Italian: https://www.linkedin.com/video/event/urn:li:ugcPost:6891719490866855936/

The world after the pandemic

“We all know that after the Covid-19 pandemic the world has changed profoundly “says Diana Bracco, President of the Alisei Cluster and President and CEO of the Bracco Group. “Facing the crisis was an unprecedented health and social challenge, which had very high human and economic costs, but which also represented a turning point, finally putting health at the center of the social and economic planning of the future at national and international level. This international meeting of ours aims to offer a platform to jointly discuss advances in science and technology in health systems, both in advanced and developing countries. The challenge now is not to stop by initiating a profound change of mindset in the way we all look at research and healthcare. I remember ”, concludes Diana Bracco,“ that Alisei’s intent is to transform the Global Forum into an annual event to periodically review the new frontiers of innovation in the field of Health & Life Sciences ”.

On 1 February, again in the Italian Pavilion of Expo 2020 Dubai, the United Arab Emirates, Israel and our country organized another important event dedicated to the theme “Artificial Intelligence Cybersecurity for human health” Speakers include HE Roberto Speranza, Italian Minister of Health, HE Omar Sultan Al Olama, Minister of Artificial Intelligence and Digital Economy of the United Arab Emirates, and HE Nitzan Horowitz, Minister of Health of Israel. An opportunity for discussion on crucial issues such as the geopolitical impact on health data security and how to have fair, ethical and safe AI technologies at the service of human needs.

As part of this international meeting, the Bracco Group has organized a Workshop dedicated to intelligent imaging which will be attended by an exceptional expert: the American professor Charles Kahn. During the works, AIforCOVID will also be illustrated, the multi-center non-profit research project carried out by Bracco Imaging and the Italian Diagnostic Center, the healthcare facility of the Group led by Diana Bracco. A project aimed at predicting, thanks to the AI-for-COVID Imaging Archive database which already contains thousands of radiological exams and which is available to the entire international scientific community, the clinical evolution of the COVID-19 disease.

Based on artificial intelligence applied to diagnostic imaging, the project is allowing doctors and healthcare professionals to have a database of radiographic images of Covid patients useful for understanding in advance the course of the disease in patients affected by COVID-19 allowing for therapies personalized and more timely. The data analysis takes place thanks to algorithms developed in collaboration with the Italian Institute of Technology (IIT) of Genoa and with the Campus Bio-medico University of Rome. AI-for- COVID Imaging Archive (https://aiforcovid.radiomica.it/) has collaborated from the very beginning with important public and private clinical and research centers including: Fondazione IRCCS Ca ‘Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico (Milan), Fondazione IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo (Pavia), Careggi University Hospital (Florence), ASST Santi Paolo e Carlo (Milan), ASST Fatebenefratelli-Sacco (Milan), ASST San Gerardo Hospital (Monza) and Casa Sollievo della Sofferenza Hospital (SGRotondo) .

“Radiological imaging is playing a crucial role in diagnosing COVID-19 patients and in determining treatment options,” explains Sergio Papa, Director of Diagnostic Imaging at the Italian Diagnostic Center. “In practice, thanks to Radiomics, which together with Genomics represent a new frontier of personalized medicine, we have made a concrete contribution in the fight against the ongoing dramatic pandemic. Our AI-for-COVID project allows, among other things, to give a further impetus to the development of studies on the pathology induced by Covid, in particular on the damage caused to the lungs, and to the implementation of measures aimed at the protection of individuals. which, given the coexistence of previous pathologies, are more susceptible to aggravation “.

“The joint effort of the hospitals of the network coordinated by CDI-Bracco Imaging made it possible in a very short time to transfer the information acquired in the field into an extremely powerful AI system” says Lorenzo Preda, Director of the radiology complex of the IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo Foundation of Pavia.

“The project is commendable because it made it possible to put at the service of the radiological scientific community an instrument with a large number of data from large Italian centers engaged in the management of the pandemic” says Annalisa Simeone, Director of the radiology complex of IRCCS Casa Sollievo of the Suffering of San Giovanni Rotondo.

“In the COVID-19 pandemic, the role of the radiologist and radiological imaging techniques, in particular X-ray and CT, has proved essential,” says Michaela Cellina, radiologist at the Fatebenefratelli Sacco in Milan. In the scenario in which we found ourselves to act, with overcrowded emergency services, and very long technical times to obtain the results of the swabs, radiological imaging represented the first tool, and a fundamental tool, to establish the diagnosis and management of the patient. . The commitment of radiologists in this emergency has been commendable and the development of multicenter studies with data sharing and direct clinical experience has markedly accelerated the development of effective weapons to fight this ongoing battle.

During the Week of Health and Wellness, which includes numerous other events and conferences dedicated to the medicine of the future, nutraceuticals and wellness and nutrition, visitors to Expo 2020 Dubai will also have the opportunity to admire in the exhibition itinerary of the Italian Pavilion “The Beauty of Imaging ”, the large multimedia installation of the Bracco Group. An imaginative portal that offers a rich journey through the latest diagnostics innovations. Designed and built for Bracco by the Giò Forma studio, Mauro Belloni and Cromazoo. “The Beauty of Imaging” is accessible from the ground floor, next to the vegetable gardens, and allows you to discover the beauty of the human body seen from the inside.

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