See 90 authorized services for INSS policyholders online

by time news

2023-12-31 22:34:41






See 90 authorized services for INSS policyholders online Various services related to International Social Security Agreements are now carried out through Meu INSS (website and mobile application) and telephone 135. In addition, other services such as Unemployment Insurance for Artisanal Fishermen and Validation of Optional Low Income Programs will also be carried out without the need for the citizen to leave home.

In total, 90 services from the INSS will be able to be done remotely. The monthly average number of calls for these services at the branches was more than 700 thousand. With the complete digitalization of its services, INSS is the first Federal Government body with all digital services.

Out there

Currently, there are 17 international agreements. They guarantee the counting of contribution time and social security coverage for insured people both in Brazil and in the agreement country.

In countries covered by the agreements, the initial application is made directly to the country’s liaison body, which is generally the INSS counterpart abroad. The progress of the request, however, can be monitored via Meu INSS, which makes life easier for policyholders outside the country, as telephone number 135 only has national coverage.

In Brazil, it will no longer be necessary to schedule an appointment to request International Agreement services. Simply access Meu INSS or call 135 and the insured person will only go to the agency if documentation is required.

In total, 19 services related to International Agreements are now available via the internet and telephone, such as requesting a Temporary Travel Certificate: a document that companies must provide to workers who go to work in a country with which Brazil has an agreement. pension.

Digital Transformation

Since May, several services have been carried out by Meu INSS and 135, such as appeal, review, change of agency, requesting unreceived payment, retirement, aid, pensions.

Another important launch was the Age Retirement Calculator, which calculates how long until retirement, simulates the initial income, and shows whether the insured person is actually entitled to the benefit.

And now, in addition to the International Agreement services, other services such as Unemployment Insurance for Artisanal Fishermen, a benefit granted to fishermen during the closed season (species reproduction), have also been made available through Meu INSS and telephone.

The INSS Digital Transformation project has among its partners Dataprev, responsible for providing the necessary technology and applying intelligence to processes to achieve the objectives, including improving the provision of public services to Social Security policyholders. The INSS is currently linked to the Ministry of Economy, one of the bodies in charge of the Digital Transformation of the Federal Government.


My INSS is accessed via the internet ( or via the mobile app. Registration can be done through Meu INSS or through the banks’ website: Banco do Brasil, Banrisul, Bradesco, Caixa, Itaú, Mercantil do Brasil, Santander, Sicoob and Sicredi.

Telephone 135 is open from Monday to Saturday, from 7am to 10pm.

Check below the list of 90 services now available through Meu INSS and telephone 135:

Check below the list of 90 services now available through Meu INSS and telephone 135:

Urban Age Retirement

Urban Maternity Salary

Determination of Continuous Beating/MDS – Decree 9462/2018

Schedules and Order Inquiries

Social Security Statement (CNIS)

Benefit Payment Statement (HISCRE)

Consigned Loan Statement

Statement for Income Tax (IR)

Benefit Grant Letter

Medical Expertise Scheduling

Benefit Declaration – There/Nothing There

Consult Benefit Review – Article 29

Declaration of Regularity of Individual Taxpayer Situation – DRSCI

Change Basic Contact Data

Result of the Medical Expertise


Incapacity Benefit Appeal


Process Copy

Resource – Defeso Insurance

Termination of Death Benefit

Register Declaration of Prison/Reclusion

Register or Renew Legal Representative

Change of Payment Method

Reactivate Benefit

Updating Dependents for Income Tax

Updating Beneficiary Registration Data

Withdrawal of Benefit

Request Amount Not Received Until the Beneficiary’s Date of Death

Register or Update Dependents for Family Allowance

Suspend the Assistance Benefit for Persons with Disabilities for Inclusion in the Labor Market

Request Benefit Payment Not Received

Blocking/Unblocking the Loan Benefit

Reactivate Suspended Assistance Benefit for Inclusion in the Labor Market

Transfer Benefit to Another Social Security Agency

Register or Renew Power of Attorney

Income Tax Update for Declaration of Permanent Exit from the Country

Certificate of Absence of Dependents Eligible for the Death Pension

Income Tax Data Update – Dirf Rectification

Certificate for Withdrawal of Pis/Pasep/Fgts

Exclusion of Associative/Union Monthly Discount on Social Security Benefits

Request for Exclusion of Consigned Loan

Register Alimony

Rural Age Retirement

Retirement by time of contribution

Rural Incarceration Aid

Urban Seclusion Aid

Elderly Assistance Benefit

Assistance Benefit for Persons with Disabilities

Contribution Time Certificate


Rural Death Pension

Urban Death Pension.

Rural Maternity Salary

Retirement of Persons with Disabilities based on Contribution Time

Retirement of Persons with Disabilities by Age

Assistance Benefit for Casual Port Workers

Assistance Benefit for Persons with Disabilities – Microcephaly

Pregnant Aeronaut – Sickness Benefit

Balance on screen (time or benefit value)

Age Pension Calculator

Retirement Calculator by Contribution Time

International Agreement – ​​Rural Age Retirement

International Agreement – ​​Urban Age Retirement

International Agreement – ​​Retirement by Contribution Time

International Agreement – ​​Life Certificate Update

International Agreement – ​​Update of Registration and/or Banking Data

International Agreement – ​​Income Tax Data Update

International Agreement – ​​Exclusive Benefit of the Agreed Country

International Agreement – ​​Initial Temporary Displacement Certificate

International Agreement – ​​Certificate of Extension of Temporary Displacement

International Agreement – ​​Insurance History in Agreed Country

International Agreement – ​​Rural Death Pension

International Agreement – ​​Urban Death Pension

International Agreement – ​​Benefit Reactivation

International Agreement – ​​Appeal

International Agreement – ​​Regularization of Late Payments

International Agreement – ​​Rectification of Temporary Displacement

International Agreement – ​​Review

International Agreement – ​​Maternity Pay

International Agreement – ​​Transfer of Maintenance Benefit

Calculation of Late Contribution, Issuance and/or GPS Calculation

Cat, 25% Increase, Exemption from Travel and Accident Benefit

Registration with Social Security

Scheduling or Rescheduling a Medical Expertise

Reissue Installments – Defeso Insurance

Request for Advance Payment of the Review of Article 29

Defeso Insurance – Artisanal Fisherman

Low Income Optional Validation

Updating Registration Data,

#authorized #services #INSS #policyholders #online

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