How to Improve Your Ability to Stand Up as You Age: Tips and Strategies for Better Mobility

by time news

Consumer Reports: Tips for Easier Standing as You Get Older

As we age, the simple act of standing up can become increasingly difficult. The weakening of muscles and declining balance, coordination, flexibility, and aerobic capacity can all contribute to this challenge. To address these difficulties, especially when it comes to daily activities like getting out of bed or standing up from the couch, consider the following strategies:

Opt for Firm Seats: Firm seats are easier to get out of than cushy ones. Placing a piece of plywood underneath the cushions can help firm up a soft seat.

Raise Your Chair: A higher seat can reduce the distance you need to rise to stand. Furniture risers can be added to the legs of chairs, sofas, and beds to raise them.

Position Yourself Right: When standing up from a seated position, lean your torso forward and place your feet flat on the floor and slightly behind your knees to help propel you up to standing.

Use Assistive Devices: Tools like couch canes, bed canes, safety rails, and chair assists can aid in standing up from various surfaces.

Know When to Talk to Your Doctor: If difficulty standing interferes with daily tasks or if you see no improvement after trying exercises regularly, it’s important to consult with a healthcare professional.

In addition to these tips, practicing the sit-and-stand exercises regularly can also aid in strengthening the muscles necessary for standing. It’s recommended to practice sitting down in and getting up from a chair six to eight times at least two to three times a day to see improvement within a few weeks.

Overall, these strategies can make standing up easier, allowing individuals to maintain their independence and confidence. It’s important to stay proactive and seek help from healthcare providers if necessary.

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