Early Public Domain Mickey Mouse Inspires Horror Film “Mickey’s Mouse Trap”

by time news

Title: Mickey Mouse Slasher Film Released as Character Enters Public Domain

In a surprising turn of events, the iconic character Mickey Mouse entered the public domain today, sparking the release of a trailer for a slasher film titled Mickey’s Mouse Trap. The trailer features footage from the 1928 animated classic Steamboat WillieSteamboat Willie, which entered the public domain on January 1st, 2024.

The sharp response from Disney serves as a reminder of the company’s commitment to protecting its intellectual property, even with the entry of the original Mickey Mouse character into the public domain. While the release of the slasher film may seem like a bold move, it is clear that Disney will not hesitate to take action to safeguard their iconic characters.

As the debate over the public domain status of Mickey Mouse continues, the release of Mickey’s Mouse Trap has certainly sparked attention and raised important questions about copyright and creative use of beloved characters.

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