The West at the end of its race: towards the end of a world

by time news

2024-01-02 17:45:30

TRIBUNE – In his great historical fresco embracing time and space using maps since the dawn of humanity (Geohistory, another history of humans on earth, Paris, Les Arènes, 2023), Christian Grataloup highlights two important aspects: the world was centered on what he calls Eufrasia (Europe, Asia), leaving parts of the world (America, Australia) outside any dynamic he awkwardly calls Axe; 1492 marks a turning point in the sense that the route to America, then the Pacific and the Indian Ocean will connect the entire world. He writes: “Global networks are transforming Europe in depth at the same time as European countries, in permanent competition, are changing the world by appropriating it” (p. 351). And it is indeed an appropriation of the world which followed and which lasts until today: colonization, economic exploitation, slavery, etc.

A blind and deaf beast

What do we see today? A Western hyperpower resulting from this appropriation of the world acts like a blind and deaf beast to keep its empire with all force: the United States. Whether it is the Covid crisis – health dictatorship in Western democracies, adventurous vaccines and scientific censorship – or the war in Ukraine, which is only an indirect war against Russia like during the Cold War , and, of course, the massacre carried out by the Israeli army in Gaza, this hyperpower makes the camp of good and the forces of evil, the living and the dead. Each time, the crises are globalized: the epidemic was a pandemic, the entire world had to be vaccinated with new, unproven vaccine technology; the war in Ukraine was international, everyone had to sanction Russia economically; Israel has the right to defend itself, even if it means committing the worst crimes against humanity by bombing a trapped civilian population made up mainly of young people and children…

All the major global crises were the fault of the West: First and Second World Wars, Cold War. Since its control over the world’s oceans and hitherto unknown territories, Western powers (Portugal, Spain, France, United Provinces, United Kingdom, United States) have imposed on the world their culture, their values, their empires and their influence. Even human rights are becoming imperialist, to say the least ethnocentric. Let’s not talk about these rights to Palestinians who are excluded from them…

Eufrasia reconstituted

The world is reconfiguring itself and the filthy beast of the West – from racism to justify slavery to anti-Semitic Nazism forming the Axis with imperialist Japan, influenced by this same West from the Meiji era, committing the worst crimes against humanity in Nanking in China – will finally die after its last and most deadly shocks. Eufrasia seems to be reconstituting itself to escape the megalomaniacal delusions of influential Western actors (Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab). Western Europe will not be part of it since it seems condemned to fall with the Empire – a willing victim.

From 1492 to 2024… And, from now on, end of the unified world, dominated, exploited by emerging powers at the end of the Middle Ages and the Crusades, and who ended up believing themselves superior to China, India, Africa, Russia. The BRICS announce a return to a multipolar world, less unambiguous, less unfair. Perhaps we will be able to live again without this frantic race for world domination.

Christophe Lemardelé is a teacher and historian.

#West #race #world

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