Detection of five foreigners and arrest of their trafficker in Kos – Arrest of a woman in Leros

by time news

2024-01-03 16:08:26

In the morning hours yesterday, the Port Authority of Kos was informed about the existence of a high-speed boat sailing in the sea area “LAMPI” of Kos, which subsequently disembarked five foreigners on an adjacent shore.

Immediately, a patrol boat of the LS-EL.AKT went to the area, which spotted the high-speed boat heading towards the opposite Turkish coast. At the sight of the patrol boat LS-EL.AKT., the operator reversed his course and disembarked at “LAMPI” beach and fled in an unknown direction.

In investigations carried out from land, the five foreign occupants of the boat were located by officers of the Hellenic Police and the Frontex force, while officers of the Security Office of the Port Authority of Kos, located the 36-year-old foreign operator of the speedboat.

The 36-year-old man was arrested by the Port Authority of Kos, which is conducting the preliminary investigation, for violating article 30 of Law 4251/2014 “Immigration and Social Integration Code and other provisions”, article 306 of the Criminal Code. “Report”, as well as article 83 of Law 3386/2005 “Illegal Entry and Exit from the Country” as amended and in force and the means of transportation was confiscated.


Officers of the Port Authority of Leros arrested a 38-year-old foreigner in the evening hours yesterday, for violating article 216 of the Criminal Code. “Forgery” and article 29 par.7 of Law 4251/2014 “Possession of forged documents”.

Specifically, in a control carried out before the E/G-O/G ship’s departure, it was found that the 38-year-old possessed and presented a travel document of doubtful authenticity.

A preliminary investigation is carried out by the Port Authority of Leros.

#Detection #foreigners #arrest #trafficker #Kos #Arrest #woman #Leros

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