Arrests at Corona demo in Vienna – riots in Leipzig

by time news

According to police estimates, 10,000 people demonstrated again on Saturday against the corona measures. There were several arrests and reports. Opponents of the measures stormed the university clinic in Leipzig.

Several rallies against the Corona measures were registered again on Saturday in Vienna. There were some incidents, the police used pepper spray and arrested some people for violating the Covid regulation or for resisting state authority. There were also ads because no masks were worn, the executive said on request.

Significantly fewer people took part in the demos than last time. In the afternoon, the individual rallies merged into a march in which, according to the police, 10,000 people took part. Photos of the demonstration circulated on social networks, where, among other things, a flag of the anti-Semitic Qanon movement can be seen.

in action week after week

Interior Minister Gerhard Karner (ÖVP) then said in a broadcast: “I would like to thank all the police officers who were on duty today for their careful and consistent action. The arrests, but also the high number of reports show once again the great challenges which have been mastered here weekend after weekend for more than a year. The right of assembly is a valuable asset – which is guaranteed and protected by the police. But it must not be misused for acts of lack of solidarity and anti-democracy. Resolute and determined intervention will be so be continued.”

Massive riots in Leipzig

Dozens of opponents of the Corona measures also marched in Leipzig on Saturday for one of their protest marches, which they had declared as “walks”. They stormed the premises of the university clinic (UKL). According to a police spokeswoman, the protest march of “several hundred” people began on Saturday afternoon near the Monument to the Battle of the Nations and was then stopped by the police near the psychiatric clinic.

There, dozens of people stormed onto the premises of the psychiatric clinic belonging to the UKL – presumably in the hope of escaping the police encirclement.

Videos posted on Twitter showed some police officers at the gate to the compound still trying in vain to hold back the crowd. But they were obviously not up to the onslaught. According to the police spokeswoman, the police determined the identity of the intruders for possible criminal investigations. The remaining “walkers” were allowed to go after an identity check.


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