Aragón authorizes the experimental training program for teachers ‘MentorActúa Interautonomic’

by time news

2024-01-04 11:01:40

The project consists of collaboration between teachers from different autonomous communities who develop training programs equivalent to ‘MirayActúa’.

The Department of Education, Science and Universities continues to promote teacher training. In order to propose an evaluation based on a model of professional competencies that the teaching staff must develop, which in turn entails the direct projection of training in teaching practice and the promotion of research and educational innovation, it is created the ‘MirayActúa’ program in the 2016/2017 academic year.

A teacher training initiative that allows Aragonese teachers to carry out a training stay in another educational center other than their own. In this way, through observation, they are able to update their scientific and pedagogical knowledge, improve their methodological skills and, likewise, learn first-hand about the educational resources and projects that schools develop in the community.

Along these lines, and due to the success of the aforementioned program, the department has authorized the experimental training project ‘MentorActúa Interautonómico’, which pursues the following objectives:

Promote new avenues for teacher training through observation, reflection and connection with educational centers in other autonomous communities to promote teamwork and the creation of networks of centers with common interests. Establish communication channels, platforms and/or communities learning methods that promote online collaboration between teachers from different autonomous communities. Deepen observation as a learning methodology with the aim of promoting shared work, peer learning, and collaborative work both in person and online of teachers. teachers.Design and apply observation protocols of teaching practice and promote innovative methodological actions to improve the learning processes of students through training stays.Apply the knowledge and techniques acquired by the participating teachers in the educational center.

Program structure and participating centers

Taking into account that face-to-face training stays will not, in any case, entail the paralysis or interruption of the ordinary operation of classes in the participating centers, the structure of the program will be developed in different sessions that will conclude with the presentation of the work carried out in a session that will be called by the corresponding ministries, scheduled for May or June 2024.

A maximum of two teachers from each participating center may attend the training stays. Preferably, one of them should be the teacher responsible for the good practice or educational innovation that is the object of the observation. Each center in Aragón will be able to receive a maximum of three centers during the training actions of this program.

In order to certify the participation of teachers in ‘MentorActúa Interautonomic’ during the 2023/24 school year, the management of the educational centers must send Annex I, which can be downloaded at, at least fifteen days before the first stay. , to the following email address: [email protected].

#Aragón #authorizes #experimental #training #program #teachers #MentorActúa #Interautonomic

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