boom cases and symptoms, the data

by time news

2024-01-05 20:41:29

The flu, after having affected one million Italians in the last week of 2023, does not let up even at the beginning of 2024: symptoms such as fever, cough, cold, fatigue and assorted pains continue to be widely spread. And, in all likelihood, the picture will not change in the next few days, when the return to school will favor contacts and – consequently – infections.

The epidemic between Christmas and New Year forced 1,027,000 people to bed according to the new RespiVirNet surveillance bulletin. The incidence, in the heart of the holidays, remained at record levels, “very high” and “substantially stable” compared to the previous survey: 17.5 cases per thousand assisted (they were 17.7 in the previous week, as announced by the Higher Institute of Health. Since the beginning of the season, approximately 6,719,000 Italians have been affected.

“It is underlined – explains the ISS – that various respiratory viruses and not just influenza viruses contribute to this increase, although the circulation of the latter is on the rise”. The incidence is “slightly increasing only in children under 5 years old – reports the bulletin – an age group in which it is equal to 48.7 cases per thousand assisted (47.5 in the previous week)”, while it is stable the trend in adults and elderly people.

The most affected groups

In detail, in the 5-14 age group the incidence is 19.21 cases, in the 15-64 age group it is 17.15 and among the over 65s it stands at 10.28 cases per thousand assisted. Tightening the objective, all the regions and autonomous provinces among those that have activated surveillance “record an incidence level of flu-like syndromes above the baseline threshold, except the autonomous province of Bolzano.

In 5 regions/Pa in particular, the ‘very high’ intensity threshold of incidence was reached: Campania (24.51), Friuli-Venezia Giulia (23.69), Umbria (22.93), Abruzzo (21, 76), Tuscany (19.94). While Valle d’Aosta and Calabria have not activated RespiVirNet surveillance.

In the 52nd week of 2023, which closed the year, the ISS therefore confirms that “the epidemic curve of flu-like syndromes shows an incidence value never reached in previous seasons”.

“The incidence of flu-like syndromes remains high, driven by the various viruses circulating in this period. The analysis of positive samples shows that influenza viruses are now prevalent, even if a significant share of Sars-CoV-2 and respiratory syncytial virus, which causes bronchiolitis especially in the little ones. Although it is impossible to predict exactly when the peak of cases will be reached, a sustained circulation can also be envisaged in the coming weeks, facilitated by the reopening of schools”, says Anna Teresa Palamara, who directs the Infectious Diseases Department of the ISS.

“In addition to vaccinations for those for whom they are recommended – he continues – healthy prudence in behavior is recommended, to be observed especially if you have respiratory symptoms and if you are in the presence of very young children, elderly or frail people. It is recommended furthermore, not to take antibiotics, which are useless in case of viral infections, unless advised by your doctor, and to go to the emergency room only if strictly necessary”.

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