The 6 rarest diseases in the world, which ones do you know?

by time news

2024-01-06 02:00:10

All doctors must see patients within their daily professional life. Most consultations tend to focus on high-incidence pathologies, but there are also others that are part of the rarest diseases in the world. These are very rare cases and, in fact, most doctors will never see one.

Las acute respiratory and urinary tract infections They are two of the most frequent reasons for medical consultation in Mexico and the world. In most cases they are not highly dangerous problems because they can be controlled through medical treatment.

The 10 most common diseases in Mexico

What are the rarest diseases in the world?

Now, at the opposite extreme there are some pathologies, most of them congenital, which stand out from the rest for something quite peculiar. Its incidence is too low although there are cases described in the medical literature.

Another point they have in common is that most do not have a cure. Since it has such a low incidence, few investigations have been carried out. With this, the most affected are the patients because they have no options to resort to pharmacological treatment.

Regarding this topic, the Dr. Victor Manuel Encina Delgadowho is a specialist in Orthopedic Surgery, published a video about the rarest diseases in the world. The complete list is below.

Hutchinson-Gilford Progeria syndrome Congenital insensitivity to pain Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva Aquagenic urticaria Argyria Alien hand syndrome

The first one mentioned is progeria. This is an extremely rare but real progressive genetic disorder. It is characterized because it causes a premature aging of postnatal onset.

In this way, from birth people age 200% faster than the rest of the population. Within the few reported cases, the average life expectancy is 15 years.

In the list of rarest diseases in the world also appears aquagenic urticaria, also known as water allergy. It was described for the first time just 10 years ago, although it is suspected that it has existed for decades.

With this rare condition, hives develop when the skin comes into contact with water, regardless of its temperature. It is more common in women although the exact cause has not yet been determined.


TOP the RAREEST DISEASES that exist in the WORLD #DoctorVic #top #mystery #medicine

♬ Mysterious and sad BGM(1120058) – S and N

What is a rare disease?

According to the World Health Organization (WHO), the classification “rare diseases” is applied to those that occur in less than five people per 10 thousand inhabitants. So far there are more than seven thousand that have been described, although the final list could be much larger.

What rare diseases are recognized in Mexico?

With respect to our country, the General Health Council (CSG) recognizes the existence of 23 rare diseases. The last update was made in May 2023 and covers the following.

Mucopolysaccharidosis I Hurler Mucopolysaccharidosis II Hurler Mucopolysaccharidosis IV Morquio Mucopolysaccharidosis VI Maroteaux-Lamy Gaucher Disease Type I Gaucher Disease Type II Gaucher Disease Type III Fabry Disease Pompe Disease Turner Syndrome Spina Bifida Cystic Fibrosis Hemophilia Histiocytosis Congenital Hypothyroidism Phenylketonuria Galactosemia Adrenal Hyperplasia Congenital G6PD deficiency, Glucose 6-Phosphate Dehydrogenase Homocystinuria Unspecified heredofamilial amyloidosis Duchenne muscular dystrophy Spinal muscular atrophy

And in your case, have you ever cared for a patient with one of the rarest diseases in the world?

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#rarest #diseases #world

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