Trump starts the Republican election as a favorite

by time news

2024-01-06 02:54:00

Trump will enter the Republican race as a favorite.

Far from affecting his image, three years after the assault on Capitol The ex-president Donald Trump He is the favorite in the Republican primaries that start in ten days to revive the contest with Joe Biden in the November elections, which shows “the depth” of the support he has and the “political polarization” that exists in the country, as indicated analysts to Telam.

On January 6, 2021, a group of the magnate’s followers broke into the headquarters of the Congress in Washington to stop the session that confirmed the triumph of Biden in the 2020 elections, after weeks in which the then president denounced fraud, although without presenting evidence in court.

Since then, charges have been filed against more than 1,200 people ranging from minor crimes, such as breaking into restricted spaces, to more serious ones, such as attacking authority, attempting to stop the confirmation of the electoral result, or the worst of all, conspiracy to reverse the rule of law.

Several of these detainees pointed to the role of instigator that he had Trumpwhich serves as a basis for the Department of Justice to prepare its case for a possible indictment for the assault that occurred three years ago.

The Republican, 77 yearswas impeached for the second time by the House of Representatives (Lower House) after the attack, accused of inciting an insurrection, but was acquitted by the Senate.

In parallel, he faces four criminal trials, such as the one that accuses him of trying to alter the result of the 2020 elections in the state of Georgia, but despite all this he maintains high levels of popularity, which project a new head-to-head fight with Biden for the presidency.

The incidents at the Capitol did not affect the magnate’s image.

“The supporters of Trump Those who continue to support him believe that he is right: that his presidency was a success, that he is the victim of unfair persecution, and that the measures he takes are actually to protect the country (whether they appear to be outside the law or not). “, he indicated to this agency Mitchell Brownteacher of Auburn University Political Sciencelocated in Alabama.

The researcher and author of several books on electoral issues also pointed to “a series of psychological factors” that explain this support.

“In short, we tend to believe information that confirms what we already believe, seek information that confirms it, discount contradictory information, and trust information from people who are ‘like us,’ whatever that means.” for a person, as the same political group, the same region, the same ethnic or religious group, for example,” he noted.

In this context, the assessment that each voter may have about the Government of Bidengood or bad, does not seem to be a determining factor when making a decision at the polls.

“The country is so politically polarized right now that I don’t think consideration of the administration of Biden have a lot of effect on the opinions of supporters of Trump“Grant Reeher, professor of Political Science at the University, told this agency. Syracuse Universitybased in NY.

“Continuous support for Trump reflects the fact that he has very deep support, although less than when he was president. “He also reflects that there were a large number of other Republican candidates, which diffused attention on a possible alternative,” he added.

Photo: AFP (file).

The party that is currently in opposition had several internal struggles to assume its leadership, which the legislator suffered firsthand. Kevin McCarthywhen he was removed as president of the House of Representatives just nine months after taking office, in the midst of a rebellion led by the hardest and most Trumpist wing of the group.

Exactly 10 months before the presidential election, the Republican race was left with two great adversaries for the magnate: the governor of Florida, Ron DeSantisand the former ambassador to the HIM Nikki Haley.

The party’s primaries start on January 15 in Iowa, a state that only represents 1% of the country’s population, but with great relevance for kicking off the internal vote.

Beyond what the polls show, which give the former president a wide advantage, to Reeher “There are chances” that Trump be defeated, especially at the hands of Haleyformer governor of South Carolina and identified as the new favorite of the American right.

Haley is gaining ground and has performed well in the debates. If in the first primaries – and those first states have shown in the past that they are capable of producing ‘surprises’ – Trump stumbles and another candidate gets real traction, it creates momentum for Republican voters to reevaluate whether they want someone like Trump be your standard bearer,” he said.

In interviews with voters organized by CNN in Iowaso much Haley as DeSantis went on the offensive Thursday night against the former leader of his force, calling him “chaos” and “the past,” among other qualifications.

Photo: AFP (file).

Beyond that political strategy, this internal one will also be disputed in court, with the debate in some courts about whether or not to disqualify the former president in the Republican primaries for his role in the riots at the Capitol.

The justices of the states of Colorado and Maine decided to leave him out by taking as a legal basis an amendment from the Civil War (1861-1865), which prohibits people who participated in an insurrection from holding elective positions.

The magnate’s lawyers asked the Supreme Courtwith an ultra-conservative majority after the appointments during the Trump government, to revoke the ruling, while the former president himself repeatedly pointed out that he is the victim of a “witch hunt” promoted by the Democrats to prevent him from reaching the White House.

Biden at his first campaign event

Biden, despite being 81 years old, aspires to a new mandate.
The president of United States, Joe Biden, accused this Friday to his predecessor and possible adversary in the November elections Donald Trump wants to “steal history”of to use the same language as “Nazi Germany” and to be “willing to sacrifice democracy.”

“Listen to me clearly. I will say what Donald Trump won’t say: political violence is never, ever acceptable in the United States political system. Never never never. “It has no place in a democracy,” Biden said.

It was before a crowd at his first 2024 campaign event, in Pennsylvania, just one day before the third anniversary of the storming of the Capitol by Trump followers, in 2021, when the results of the elections that the Democrat had won months were to be made official. before.

The place he chose to hold the campaign event has great symbolism: near Valley Forge, in Pennsylvania, a historic site of the United States War of Independence.

“Political violence is never, ever acceptable in the United States political system” Joe Biden

Biden stressed that those who stormed the Capitol on January 6, 2021 were “insurrectionists, not patriots” and made it clear that it was a “violent assault” and not a peaceful protest.

“By trying to rewrite the events of January 6, Trump is trying to steal history the same way he tried to steal the election. But we knew the truth because we saw it with our own eyes,” he said.

In his questions to the magnate, Biden lamented that on that day Trump “retired to the White House while the United States was attacked from within.”

“The entire nation watched in horror. The entire world watched in disbelief and Trump did nothing,” he said, assessing that Trump’s attempt to overturn the 2020 election and his inaction on the following January 6 constituted “one of “worst derelictions of duty by a president in American history.”

The place that Biden chose to hold the campaign event has great symbolism: near Valley Forge, in Pennsylvania, a historic site of the United States War of Independence

Biden asked his supporters to imagine “if (Trump) had come out and said enough.” “But he didn’t do anything,” he lamented.

He then emphasized that the November elections are “clear, because Trump’s campaign is about him, not about the United States or about you.”

For Biden, Trump “speaks of the blood of Americans being poisoned, echoing exactly the same language used in Nazi Germany,” in reference to Trump’s words about migrants crossing the border with Mexico.

“Donald Trump’s campaign is obsessed with the past, not the future. “He is willing to sacrifice our democracy and put himself in power,” he said, stressing that his proselytizing task focuses on voters of all “ages and origins” and on the future.

“Our campaign aims to preserve and strengthen our American democracy,” he said, according to the CNN site.

“Our campaign aims to preserve and strengthen our American democracy” Joe Biden

He then vindicated the figure of George Washington in his fight against the United Kingdom, before the birth of the United States, because he had “a clear mission: freedom and liberty.”

“His mission, George Washington declared, was nothing less than a sacred cause. That was the phrase he used: ‘sacred cause; liberty, freedom, democracy’. American democracy,” said the head of the White House.

It wasn’t a whimsical reference: The speech was at Montgomery County Community College in Blue Bell, located near the Revolutionary War historic site Valley Forge, where George Washington and the so-called Continental Army stayed nearly 250 years ago.

It had been announced that Biden would speak this Saturday about the occupation of Congress, but the speech was brought forward a day because bad weather conditions were expected, according to the campaign team.

#Trump #starts #Republican #election #favorite

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