Burundi is and remains a sovereign state

by time news

2024-01-05 16:05:07

Cooperation agreements with Belgium and the United States: a fight for sovereignty, GUAN and its objectives called into question, a cultural identity in danger, a war against Ubungoma, Ubuntu and Ubumu of the Barundi .

Bujumbura, 2/10/2024 – In full compliance with Barundi foreign policyespecially the dangerous partnership with GUAN [1]. In a tense national and regional atmosphere [2], Burundi has just concluded two cooperation agreements.

The first, with Belgium, concerns the new 2024-2028 cooperation program with Burundi worth 75 million euros, entering into force on January 1, 2024. It covers the areas of agriculture, education, health, climate change and good governance.
The second, with the United States, via the USAID Burundi-Rwanda Mission Director, concerns a 5-year program already in progress. This is a financing agreement of 400 million US dollars intended to support Burundi in sustainable development.

GUAN aspires to take control of the “Social Economy” of Burundi [3]in order to changer [4] the CNDD-FDD regime in Burundi,impose Western thought in Barundi (Abrahamic religions [5]the market economy with planning traders [6]Western education [7]LGBTQIA+ [8]the war of the genres [9]demography by imposing the end of births [10]etc.), with a view to appropriating the – amatongo – of the Barundi.

The Barundi are a people of Kingdom, Liberty [11]. In this ongoing civilizational war, GUAN projects oppose and seek to eliminate Burundian cultural and political values ​​as well as the traditional Burundian socio-economic system that is Ubumu.

References :

[1] Burundi facing GUAN – Unipolar American Neoliberal Globalization – https://burundi-agnews.org/diplomatie/le-burundi-face-a-la-guan-globalisation-unipolaire-americaine-neoliberale/

[2] Burundi: Ndayishimiye receives Israel’s special envoy – | Burundi: Rwanda targeted – Terrorist attack leaves 20 dead. – | Burundi accuses Rwanda of destabilizing the Great Lakes region – | Burundi: Multipolar era – Active contestation of Rwanda’s alliance with GUAN – | Burundi / DRC: Risk of regional expulsion from the USA because of Kagame, Rwanda | | Burundi: Rwanda lost in the twists and turns of geopolitics in the DRC – https://bdiagnews.com/diplomatie/burundi-le-rwanda-perdu-dans-les-meandres-de-la-geopolitique-en-rdc/

[3] Controlling through money all the people who work in the Burundian social economy, these are: Burundian private companies, hospitals and health centers, the media, and all of Burundian civil society (political parties, non-profit organizations, NGOs) including associations of police officers and retired military personnel | Burundi: Government retirement, too westernized socio-economic policy – ​​| Burundi: The CNDD-FDD debates with CSOs for economic emergence 2040-2060 – | Burundi: For a sustainable future at the joint forum of the State, NGOs and the EU – https://bdiagnews.com/societe-civile/burundi-pour-un-avenir-durable-au-forum-conjoint-de -letat-des-onges-et-lue/

[4] Burundi / CENI: The 2025-2027 elections in progress, a future at stake – https://bdiagnews.com/globalisation/burundi-ceni-les-elections-en-marche-un-avenir-en-jeu/

[5] Burundi: Pope Francis approves transgender baptism, cfr LGBT+ – | Burundi refutes false allegations of stoning of homosexuals – | BuRuNDi – Vatican: Head of State NDaYiSHiMiYe received by Pope Francis – |Burundi: Traditionalist Perspectives on the Colonial Catholic Religious Commemoration in Muyaga – | Burundi: The Catholic Charismatic Renewal on a mission of evangelization – | Burundi – Vatican: The Catholic Church celebrates 125 years of evangelization in Gitega – | BuRuNDi / Decolonial: A special Good Friday! – | Burundi: Mugera, sacred place, from MukaKaryenda to the White Virgin Mary – | MUGERA, venerated place of the BARUNDI, which has become THE COLONIAL SYMBOL in BURUNDI – | Colonial War Vatican – Germany against iNGoMa Y’uBuRuNDi / BuRuNDi: The battles from 1879 to 1903 – https://bdiagnews.com/ganwa/guerre-coloniale-vatican-allemagne-contre-ingoma-yuburundi-burundi-les-batailles- from-1879-to-1903/

[6] Burundi: For an innovative hybrid economic model – | Burundi: Challenges of the Head of State in a complex economic context. – | Burundi: An academic conference on the economic vision 2060 – | Burundi: The CNDD-FDD questions its social project, Burundian planning – | Burundi: Social stratification under INGOMA Y’UBURUNDI – | Socioeconomics – https://burundi-agnews.org/socioeconomie/

[7] Burundi: General Assembly of Education from June 14 to 16, 2022 – | Burundi: Educational expansion in Cankuzo, challenges and prospects – | Burundi: Rebuilding education for a better future. – | Burundi: Hon. Ndikuriyo Révérien makes a short pan-African speech on education – https://bdiagnews.com/economie/burundi-hon-ndikuriyo-reverien-fait-une-petit-discours-panafricain-sur-leducation/

[8] Burundi refutes false allegations of stoning of homosexuals – |
Geopolitics of LGBTQIA+ rights. With Fatou Élise Ba | Geopolitical interviews: [ ]

[9] In the West (cf. Nomadism, Patriarchy, Abrahamic Religion), woman and man are in permanent war (cf. Adam and Eve). In Africa, in Burundi, peoples of Maat, Ubungoma (Ubuntu), Maya, women and men live in harmony. The woman educates and secures, the man gives destiny.
cfr. The West is leading war campaigns between men and women in Africa. The objective is to put the man and the woman in permanent conflict. In the West, this creates divorces with insecure children and no destiny, man-man or woman-woman lives, etc. : ex. Gender-Based Violence Campaign: Burundi: Raising awareness against gender-based violence in Mishiha / Cankuzo – | Burundi: APFB ends its campaign against gender violence – | Burundi: Pope Francis approves transgender baptism, cfr LGBT+ – | Burundi: The Gender Question for the Barundi – https://bdiagnews.com/imiryango/burundi-la-question-du-genre-pour-les-barundi/

[10] Racism against non-whites.

[11] Africa, Pan-Africanism: Sindayigaya Jean-Marie, Burundi, his book on Africanity – Ubuntu – | Burundi – CNDD-FDD: Management of tensions with Rwanda through Ubuntu – | Burundi: Ndikuriyo Réverien promotes the spirit of Ubuntu in Bujumbura – | Father NTABONA comes out – UBUNTU, its roses and its thorns in BURUNDI – | Burundi / Ubungoma of the African Great Lakes: Society and Ancestral Traditions – https://bdiagnews.com/entite-territoriale/gitega-entite-territoriale/burundi-ubungoma-des-grands-lacs-africains-societe-et-traditions-ancestrales /

Sources: Nahimana P., Friday January 5, 2024 | Photo: MAECD.BI

#Burundi #remains #sovereign #state

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