Bases and requirements to participate

by time news

2024-01-08 19:00:39

The priority for all doctors is to care for the well-being of patients. By doing so, there are various rewards they can receive that go beyond gratitude and a decent salary. There are also the Public Health Awards 2024 who have just published their call.

This initiative was created by the General Health Council and is aimed at health institutions, higher education, academies, scientific societies, councils, professional groups and academics in the health area in general.

When and where is registration for the 2024 Public Health Awards?

In the first instance, the call to nominate candidates will be valid from January 8 to February 12, 2024.

Such proposals must be endorsed by the institution that presents them, through a letter addressed to the secretary of the General Health Council, Marcos Cantero Cortés. The document must have a maximum length of one page that states the reasons that support the application of professionals in the health areas established in the call.

In addition, it is also emphasized that it must be stated that the signatory has no family relationship or conflict of interest with the candidate.

What characteristics should a responsible doctor have?

For its part, it is necessary to mention that being a health professional is never easy. Beyond training, it is also necessary to have some specific traits.

Empathy and respect. Confidentiality. Clear limits and rules. Update ourselves in our field of specialty. Constant dialogue in clinical decision making. Puntuality. Establish risk/benefit balance treatments.

It should be noted that the proposed persons must prove that, throughout their professional life, they have distinguished themselves for their vocation for service, their dedication to the training of health professionals, as well as for their transcendent scientific, technological and healthcare work contributions. , for the benefit of the population, health and the consolidation of institutions, in accordance with the provisions of the award for which they are proposed.

As part of the established bases, people with no history of having received any recognition or decoration from the General Health Council have priority.

It is essential to present the supporting documents mentioned in the resume, in accordance with the provisions of the application guide published on the electronic portal of the General Health Council.

The winners will be chosen by a jury for each category, chaired by the secretary of the General Health Council. The committee’s ruling is final.

What will the winners of the 2024 Public Health Awards get?

Regarding the most important thing, each of the winners will receive a medal, a diploma and an amount in cash. The delivery will take place at the commemorative ceremony of the World Health Day 2024whose anniversary is April 7.

For more information you can consult the call and application guide available at the electronic portal of the General Health Council. You can also send an email to [email protected] or call 55 5062 1600, extension 59074, Monday to Friday from 9 am to 6 pm.

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#Bases #requirements #participate

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