Mysterious Odd Radio Circles in Space: What Are They and How Were They Formed?

by time news

Astronomers finally solve the mystery of odd radio circles in space

Odd radio circles in space have baffled astronomers since their discovery in 2019, but a new study may provide some answers. These massive cosmic objects, also known as ORCs, are so large that entire galaxies reside at their centers, spanning hundreds of thousands of light-years.

For years, astronomers have speculated about the origins of these mysterious celestial structures, with theories ranging from massive cosmic collisions to the remnants of black hole collisions. However, a recent study suggests that the odd radio circles are actually shells sculpted by the powerful galactic winds created when massive stars explode.

The study, led by University of California San Diego professor of astronomy and astrophysics Alison Coil, utilized the W.M. Keck Observatory on Maunakea, Hawaii to study ORC 4, the first known odd radio circle observable from Earth’s Northern Hemisphere. The findings revealed the presence of more luminous heated gas in visible light than seen in typical galaxies.

Further simulations conducted by study coauthor Cassandra Lochhaas, a postdoctoral fellow at the Harvard & Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics, demonstrated that outflowing galactic winds had blown for 200 million years before ceasing, creating the radio circles over the span of 750 million years.

The new research, published in the journal Nature and presented at the 243rd meeting of the American Astronomical Society in New Orleans, sheds light on an intriguing phenomenon in space that has long eluded scientific understanding.

Understanding the origins of odd radio circles not only helps astronomers to explain their impact on shaping galaxies over time, but also provides insights into galactic evolution and the life cycle of extreme outflowing galactic winds.

The discovery of the mechanism behind these strange space rings marks a significant milestone in unraveling the mysteries of the cosmos and opens the door to further exploration of these enigmatic celestial phenomena.

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