“I thought it was a pimple”: dad removes fly larva from his son’s head

by time news

2024-01-09 19:45:58

For him influencer Garrett Geewhat seemed to be the tip of a grain about to burst, it turned out to be the fly larva on your child’s head. Just as you read it! Through her social networks she shared the moment in which she removed the little intruder from the minor’s head.

Garrett Gee, a 34-year-old travel content creator, shared through his Instagram account the moment he withdrew a fly larva from your son’s head, little five-year-old Calihan, after his stay in Botswana, in Africa.

Foto: Instagram @thebucketlistfamily

“Cali had been complaining of a pain on the top of his head, but it looked like a small red lump,” Garrett wrote.

“The next day I had a white tip like a pimple, but after showing it to our guides and a local doctor, no one knew what it could be. I randomly texted a photo to my girlfriend and she recognized it as a fly. A BOT FLIES!!?!?!!”he finished.

Why do flies bite you?

Las flies don’t bite because they do not have a sting, what they do do is bite, and only some species do it, they are better known as ‘biting flies‘, which can bite us due to the search for nutrients and food, being attracted by body odors, sweat and carbon dioxide that we emit.

Photo: iStock

According to an article published by the revista The Royal Society Publishingsome species of flies can be attracted to bright colors such as blue, although the main reason is their interest in food and our body temperature to leave their eggs.

How do I know if a fly bit me?

Not all flies bite, but those that could are the Stomoxys calcitrans, Tabanus spp. o let Lutzomyia spp. y Phlebotomus spp. To know if you have bitten a flythere are some warning signs you could develop:

Itchy skin. Redness or swelling in the affected area. Burning or stinging sensation. Small bump or red dot at the site of the bite. Mild pain at the bite. There may be a slight discharge of clear fluid.

Photo: iStock

Some flies can transmit diseases, so if you experience severe symptoms, such as fever, extreme swelling, pus, fever, or systemic symptoms, seek immediate medical attention.

What happens if a fly leaves its larva in the body?

Yes one fly deposits its larvae in the body of a host, can lead to a parasitic infestation called miasis, where larvae develop and feed on living tissue, causing damage and potentially health problems. In the case of little Calihan, it only caused a slight pain in the head

In the video, Garrett can be seen with tweezers in his hand with which he slowly extracts the larva, which at first looks like a white pimple about to burst. However, she looks like a fly larva it moves slowly.

Foto: Instagram @thebucketlistfamily

“A fly bit Cali on the head and laid its egg inside her skin. The egg then hatched and the larva continued to live on her head and would have been there for about 20 more days until it was ready to come out and fly. Itself!!”, Garrett explained.

Now that you know why do some flies bite and how to know if he left a little tenant in you. Take care of yourself!

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If you are interested in knowing how to scare away flies in hot season, stay to watch the next video.

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