The 3 medical specialties most sued for negligence

by time news

2024-01-10 02:00:41

The legal part is very important within the healthcare field. It is one of the aspects that is most taken care of to protect the integrity of patients. As a consequence, the risk of suffering a lawsuit for negligence always exists and is higher in some medical specialties.

An obligation for any health professional is to offer a Quality service. The highest priority is always the well-being of patients and protecting their integrity. Most of the time they succeed, but there are also others in which it is not possible.

Medical specialties most in demand for negligence

Although it is often not a part that is mentioned, all doctors are at risk of being sued just for doing their jobs. It is not a pleasant experience but it is a reality that can happen at any time.

First of all, it is necessary to know the definition of the term. According to the National Medical Arbitration Commission (Conamed), a Medical negligence It occurs due to neglect of precautions and attention classified as necessary. When, despite having the knowledge, it is not applied and harm is caused to the patient.

In these types of cases, the origin of the problem is not always the doctor’s fault but can also be caused by the patient or the hospital itself. When doctors are not provided with the appropriate tools, it is more difficult for them to carry out their duties.

For its part, the firm specialized in legal matters for doctors called Medical Shielding shared a video based on his experience. The main conclusion is that there are three specialties where these types of legal conflicts occur most frequently.

Gynecology and Obstetrics Traumatology and Orthopedics Internal Medicine


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Can Medical Malpractice Lawsuits Be Avoided?

The ideal is always to follow all the instructions of the Clinical Practice Guides and the Official Mexican Standards because they are the official documents that contain the indications for care in the face of multiple diseases.

At the same time, it cannot be ignored that the risk is latent. For this reason, there are some recommendations that should be followed to reduce risks and prevent these legal problems from occurring.

General recommendations

Adequate Medical Documentation. Correct doctor-patient-family relationship. Specialized training in Human Rights, Bioethics and Medical Law.

Recommendations in medical services

Professional training. Integration of diagnostic and therapeutic departments. Medical care guides.

Recommendations to medical professionals

Informed consent. Good working conditions. Cordial and respectful treatment towards patients and colleagues. Friendly treatment and good communication with the health team.

What are the requirements for the admission of a medical complaint?

They are those established in article 49 of the Regulations of Procedures for the Attention of Medical Complaints and Expert Management of the National Medical Arbitration Commission. Where it is established that complaints must be presented to Connamed personally by the patient or through a person authorized to do so, either verbally or in writing and must contain the following:

Names, telephone numbers and complete addresses of the patient, the person filing the complaint and the medical unit or service provider about whom you are complaining. A brief description of the facts of the complaint that indicate: what happened, where it happened, how it happened, when it happened, who is the provider of the service or medical unit, what is the reason for the complaint, what is your request towards the provider of the service about whom you are complaining and if you present it in writing, your original signature and if this is not possible, your fingerprint. For quick reference you can consult the Guide to filing a complaint.
A copy of the appointment card showing the patient’s affiliation or registration number, when the complaint is against public institutions that assign social security or registration numbers to patients. What is your conciliatory request towards the service provider about whom you are complaining. If the patient is not the one who presents the complaint and someone else does, ask for guidance on how to prove representation. What document can they represent the patient with, since, depending on the case, it can be: simple power of attorney with a copy of the identification of all signatories, a copy of the birth certificate, marriage certificate, power of attorney, testimony of guardianship, executor or will. For an adequate and personalized analysis of your case, a simple, legible copy of identification with a photograph and signature, a simple copy of the documents that prove the doctor-patient relationship, that are related to medical care and that support the facts stated, for example: notes, medical prescriptions, appointment books, hospital discharge sheets, clinical summary, results of laboratory tests, invoices, receipts, payment vouchers and any document that may help in the analysis of the case.

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#medical #specialties #sued #negligence

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