India-Maldives Lakshadweep Controversy: Social Media and Nationalism Debate

by time news

The recent exchange of comments on social media between some Maldivian ministers and Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has sparked a diplomatic row between the two countries. The controversy began when Prime Minister Modi shared photos of his visit to Lakshadweep on January 4 and appealed to tourists to visit the region. This act led to some ministers and social media activists in the Maldives making objectionable comments against the Indian Prime Minister and India.

However, the Maldivian government quickly stepped in to cool down the situation by suspending ministers who made such comments. They emphasized that such actions would not be tolerated, but it didn’t stop the Indian External Affairs Ministry from summoning the Maldivian Ambassador to India to express serious concern over these objectionable comments.

The controversy led to a surge in anti-Maldives sentiments in India, with some celebrities calling for a boycott of the Maldives, and a major travel agency even canceling bookings for the country. In response, Maldivian supporters promoted their country’s beauty on social media.

The tension appears to be rooted in political developments in the Maldives, with the current President Mohamed Muisu defeating a candidate seen as pro-India in the recent elections. Additionally, Muisu’s statements about sending back Indian soldiers and his party’s close ties to China have raised concerns in India.

Foreign policy experts have raised questions about the role of social media in influencing diplomatic relations between countries. While many believe that discussions on social media should happen, others caution against allowing extreme nationalism to drive foreign policy decisions.

Amidst the diplomatic tension, former political leaders in the Maldives have emphasized the importance of maintaining good relations with India. They also highlighted the support India is receiving from a large number of people in the Maldives.

As the controversy continues to unfold, both countries face the challenge of balancing the sentiments of their citizens with the maintenance of vital diplomatic ties. Despite the sensitivity of the issue, experts stress the importance of handling it with diplomatic maturity to prevent further escalation.

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