ISSSTE promotes acupuncture and moxibustion in 2024

by time news

2024-01-09 23:00:14

Alternative medicine is always a topic that generates divided opinions among health professionals. The main argument used against it is that it lacks scientific evidence and is even a simple placebo. It has therefore drawn attention that a renowned authority such as the ISSSTE promote practices such as acupuncture and moxibustion in full 2024.

Since the beginning of humanity there have been diseases. As the first healing method, the herbalism because plants were the only alternative that was available.

It was not until several centuries later, with the development of pharmaceutical industry, that the first real medicines were designed. The difference with all molecules requires a strict process that lasts for decades. The maximum objective is to check its correct operation.

Does the ISSSTE support acupuncture?

Now, despite the negative opinions about alternative medicine, the ISSSTE 2024 began with the First Acupuncture and Moxibustion Seminar. The event was possible thanks to an agreement signed with the Beijing Chinese Traditional Medicine Hospital.

What are acupuncture and moxibustion?

Before moving forward it is necessary to explain both techniques. In the case of the acupuncture, is based on traditional Chinese medicine. It consists of the insertion of fine needles into the body at acupuncture points. It is supposedly a treatment to treat various diseases although its operation has never been proven.

While the moxibustion It is a treatment that uses the pulverized, dried and crushed leaves of the Artemisia abrotanum plant, which is shaped into a cigar called moxa. Sometimes it is used indirectly, with acupuncture needles, and other times it is burned near the skin of the patient. patient.

Alternative medicine at ISSSTE

Back to the controversial event, it is coordinated by the Acupuncture Service of the “20 de Noviembre” National Medical Center. So far, 73 participants have been registered with a profile of doctors who are specialists in the subject, masters in Traditional Chinese Medicine with a focus on Acupuncture and Moxibustion, and graduates in Rehabilitative Human Acupuncture.

They all belong to 15 public institutions of the Health System in Mexico, such as the Secretariat of Health, Secretariat of National Defense (Sedena), Secretariat of the Navy (Semar), National Polytechnic Institute (IPN), Issste and Secretariat of Health of the City of Mexico (Sedesa).

The seminar is taught by specialized personnel from the Beijing Chinese Traditional Medicine Hospital, in its online mode. It is scheduled to take place from January 3 to 23 through 15 sessions scheduled on the Voov Meeting platform.

What is acupuncture used for in Mexico?

Starting in 2001, with the creation of the Human Acupuncture Service at the “20 de Noviembre” National Medical Center, this therapeutic technique and related methodologies have been practiced, as it is useful and complementary to health care. It is recognized by the World Health Organization (WHO) in the traditional medicine strategy.

The most frequent conditions treated by Human Acupuncture Service are: cervical disc disorders and radiculopathy, lumbar disc and radiculopathy; anxiety and depression, of the temporomaxillary joint, as well as in cervicalgia, fibromyalgia, nonorganic insomnia, bilateral primary gonarthrosis, lumbalgia, rheumatoid arthritis, painful shoulder abduction, cerebral vascular event sequelae, among others.

It is relevant to mention that, currently, this technique is only provided in the institute at the CMN “20 de Noviembre” and as palliative care services at the Regional General Hospital (HR) “Ignacio Zaragoza”, which positions the Issste as the main representative. in terms of dissemination, care and training of Traditional Chinese Medicine in Mexico and Latin America.

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#ISSSTE #promotes #acupuncture #moxibustion

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