Citizen Registry informs Congress that the Semilla Movement party is still in force

by time news

2024-01-10 05:29:56

The Semilla Movement party, of president-elect Bernardo Arévalo de León, is still in force, according to the criteria of the Registry of Citizens of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal (TSE), which this Tuesday, January 9, informed the Congress of the Republic about the legal status of that party. group, whose winning candidates must take office on January 14.

The report from the Citizen Registry was sent a few days after the new authorities took office and in compliance with a request made by the Directorate of Legal Affairs of the Congress of the Republic, which, in addition, requested information on what were the political parties that achieved legislative representation.

The Seventh Criminal Judge, Fredy Orellana, resolved, at the request of the Special Prosecutor’s Office Against Impunity (Feci), suspend the legal personality of the Semilla Movement party, an order that the Citizen Registry complied with, but the TSE revoked the measure and the group remains in force.

The Legislature’s request details that the Permanent Commission of the Congress of the Republic resolved in a session held on December 4 “require the Legal Affairs Directorate of the Legislative Body (…) that the corresponding consultations be carried out in the Citizen Registry of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal in order to determine which political parties achieved legislative representation and the legal situation in which they find themselves.”

It details that “the members of the Permanent Commission state that it is essential to adopt the appropriate administrative measures so that the elected deputies take possession of their positions and the installation of the legislature is carried out in accordance with the provisions of the Political Constitution of the Republic and the Organic Law. of the Legislative Body”, Therefore, they considered it pertinent to request such reports.

In the information provided The Citizen Registry details that the Seed Movement is in force, but among the observations it indicates that it is temporarily suspended, according to an official letter from the Seventh Court, but there are legal appeals pending resolution.

On December 14, the Constitutional Court (CC) definitively issued an amparo that guarantees the taking possession of all elected officials on January 14.”

Stopping illegal attitudes regarding the cancellation of the Semilla Movement party, the seizure of electoral material and the illegal attempt to eliminate the elections through illegal mechanisms, were part of the petitions that sought an action for protection that was presented on October 6 before the CC and that it was granted on December 14.

The CC indicated that “in accordance with its ultimate goal of preserving the rule of law,” The protection was finally granted.

The CC had already ruled provisionally and with that resolution it was confirmed that “the democratic regime of the State must be preserved, observing with each action the fundamental values ​​of justice, security and peace, in particular the principle of alternation in the exercise of power.”

The definitive protection granted by the CC orders actions specific to state institutions involved.

It calls on Congress to “guarantee the effective inauguration of all elected officials in the 2023 electoral process.” Here it reaches both the Legislative and the Executive power, at the inauguration that must take place on January 14.

Urges the President of the Republic, Alejandro Giammattei, to “promote national unity and the completion of the transition in process.”

The ruling also prevents “any authority that acts in compliance of the last stage of the electoral process.

However, constitutional protection does not mean that the criminal investigation and its consequences must cease. On the contrary, the resolution states it.

“What was decided is without prejudice to the powers of investigation, prosecution and accusations that correspond to the Public Ministry and the judges of the criminal order, as well as the powers of the Supreme Electoral Tribunal on serious evidence that presents an impact in the field of electoral organizations,” the resolution reads.

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