Sweden Braces for Record-Breaking Cold: Meteorologists Warn of Freezing Temperatures Ahead

by time news

Winter Holds Strong Grip on Sweden

Despite hopes of milder temperatures, meteorologists are predicting that the cold weather will persist in Sweden. The country is expected to be hit by a new cold snap, with temperatures dropping well below freezing in the coming week.

According to Johan Groth, a meteorologist at StormGeo, colder air from the Arctic Ocean is set to descend on the north, while a fragmented snowfall from the Norwegian Sea will move in over Norrland and then Svealand and Götaland.

“Weather forecasts indicate that temperatures in northern Sweden can drop to minus 36 degrees, while areas like Dalarna and Värmland can expect temperatures as low as minus 28 degrees,” Groth stated. Further south, temperatures are expected to hover around minus 15 degrees.

The cold spell is expected to persist into the next week as well, with Johan Groth not ruling out potential warnings from the Swedish Meteorological and Hydrological Institute (SMHI).

In addition, temperatures in the Stockholm area are also anticipated to remain well below minus 10 degrees throughout the upcoming week. Groth emphasized that winter is not ready to loosen its hold on the country just yet.

Earlier in January, Sweden experienced a record cold season in the north, with subzero temperatures recorded on both January 5 and 6. The coldest temperature was observed in Naimakka in Kiruna municipality, where the thermometer showed a bone-chilling minus 43.8 degrees.

Despite hopes for a mild reprieve, it seems that winter has no intention of letting up in Sweden just yet.

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