For his second trip, Gabriel Attal makes “security” and “order” one of his absolute priorities

by time news

2024-01-10 20:17:23

The tone is set. On the occasion of his second visit as new Prime Minister, Gabriel Attal made “security” and “order” one of his absolute priorities this Wednesday, displaying his good understanding with the Minister of the Interior. Gérald Darmanin. The latter accompanied him to the Ermont police station (Val-d’Oise). “I cannot imagine a society without order and without rules,” insisted the head of government, determined to make authority one of his trademarks as in Education previously.

“The French aspire to live quietly and peacefully in our country,” he added, referring to the urban riots of the summer of 2023 which also affected Ermont. “They are waiting for us to continue this absolute effort for their security,” he insisted.

Continued discussions on the new government

Gabriel Attal also took care to showcase his own authority while many are wondering about his future room for maneuver in the face of more experienced ministers who are already aiming to succeed the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron. The Prime Minister and the outgoing Minister of the Interior, whose presence seemed to confirm his reappointment, appeared all smiles.

Even if Gérald Darmanin was sometimes in the background, looking pinched, behind Gabriel Attal. The day after his appointment, the new tenant of Matignon also continued his discussions with the Head of State on the future government casting.

VIDEO. Gabriel Attal: “I cannot imagine a society without order and without rules”

The two heads of the executive met for two hours over lunch. They had already talked until 2 a.m. on the night of Tuesday to Wednesday. The composition of the future government could be revealed as early as this Thursday, at least at the level of full ministers, according to sources within the executive. That of the Secretaries of State would come later. Even if the timing remains very uncertain.

Bruno Le Maire should also stay

Full-time ministers could be between 12 and 16, their current number, with total parity between men and women, which complicates the situation given the over-representation of men among the prospective ministers. At the Élysée as at Matignon, nothing filtered through on the casting or on the announcement calendar, except the “desire to move quickly”.

While waiting for the white smoke, names began to circulate. Bruno Le Maire, another heavyweight who could have had a hard time with the appointment of young Attal to Matignon, is given to remain at Bercy, as is Éric Dupond-Moretti to Justice and Sébastien Lecornu to the Armed Forces. The Minister of Solidarity Aurore Bergé could be promoted to National Education to replace Gabriel Attal. But the name of Stanislas Guérini, current Minister of the Civil Service, is also mentioned.

Having become the youngest Prime Minister in the history of the Republic at 34, the short-lived Minister of National Education will compose his government team under the sign of “rearmament” and “regeneration” desired by Emmanuel Macron. “Gabriel, I have known him from the beginning (…) He is courageous, he is daring, he is a man of action”, for her part supported the first lady Brigitte Macron on TF1 this Wednesday noon.

#trip #Gabriel #Attal #security #order #absolute #priorities

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