Quito, an unfriendly city – El Comercio

by time news

2023-12-24 07:05:00

The mayor of the capital maintains a campaign that defines Quito as the ‘most beautiful city in the world’. Beyond the aesthetic criteria, since genres are broken in tastes, the statement calls us to wonder if the first authority of the city walks the path and is aware of the problems of urban coexistence in a capital that is increasingly hostile to its inhabitants, without the Mayor’s Office intervenes, even when it is its duty to do so.

And being a pedestrian in Quito is a bitter experience: sidewalks converted into highways by motorcyclists, cyclists and other users of ‘alternative transportation’ who violate the Traffic Law regarding their exclusive use, even on streets that have bike lanes. As well as cars and motorcycles parked on those same sidewalks where, in addition, all types of objects – public and private – are placed that prevent passage: signs, garbage cans and other structures, installed without authorization, but without impediment either, with the impunity that offers the lack of authority.

But it doesn’t stop there, walking through ‘my beautiful Quito’ means being careful not to step on the feces of the dogs, whose owners leave them in the common path, without fearing any consequences, turning the city into an open dunghill. , with effluvia that both the heat of the sun and the evaporation of the rain bring to everyone’s noses, a public health problem that no authority seems to be interested in.

Not to mention the risk to life involved in crossing a street in the middle of an army of ‘zombies’ who do not keep their eyes forward or respect the zebra crossing, connected as they are to their cell phones, another traffic violation that is not controlled, given that the agents are only attentive to infractions against the pick and license plate, implying that municipal revenue has greater value than human life. Hopefully at some point we can add ‘livable’ to the adjective ‘nice’ and, if it’s not too much to ask, ‘friendly’ for the city of Quito.

#Quito #unfriendly #city #Comercio

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