Bases of the “Premio UPC – Miquel Barceló” 2024

by time news

2024-01-11 22:10:00

The bases of this year’s “UPC – Miquel Barceló Award” have been announced.

1.Unpublished stories that can be eligible for the prize

be framed within the genre of science fiction.

2. The works, which may be written in Catalan, Spanish,

English or French, they must be typed

double space and have an approximate extension of between

70 and 115 pages of 30 lines of 70 characters (between

150,000 and 240,000 characters).

3. The works must be submitted to the Electronic Office

from the UPC (in a pdf file.

4. The deadline for submitting the originals of the edition

of 2024 will end on April 1, 2024. The decision

of the jury, which will be unappealable, will be made public before

end the year 2024.

5. The submission of the work to the competition by the author

or author will assume that it guarantees its authorship and originality.

The UPC will be totally exempt from any responsibility

in case of breach of said guarantee.

The author will be responsible for the registration of the

work in the Registry of Intellectual Property and the effects

that may arise from not making said registration.

6. The submission of the work to the competition by the author

or author will assume that she consents to its disclosure in

in the event that it is awarded.

7. The jury will be made up mostly of people

linked to the UPC, all of them related to the world

of literature and science fiction.

8. The jury will award a prize of 2,000 euros and, if

considers appropriate, a special honorable mention.

Optionally, a mention may also be granted

honorary for the best narration presented by a member

from the UPC. The price could be declared desert.

In addition, the prize will consist of the editing and publication

of the winning work in digital and paper format.

The edition will be done jointly between the University

Politècnica de Catalunya and the Apache Libros publishing house, in

its Science Fiction Library collection in Spanish.

Acceptance of the prize will mean that the author

of the winning work will be transferred exclusively to the UPC

for all countries, in Catalan, Spanish, English

and French, for a period of four years from the delivery

of the prize, all exploitation rights

in paper and digital format of this work, including the

rights of reproduction, distribution, communication

public and transformation.

The authors will have the obligation to sign the

documents that are necessary to formalize the transfer

of exploitation rights.

9. The winner and also the person holding the

any exploitation rights over the winning work

undertake to include in each of the communications

public that a mention of it be made

obtaining the UPC Miquel Science Fiction Prize

Barceló 2024 convened by the UPC Social Council.

10. Participation in the UPC Science Fiction Prize

Miquel Barceló 2024 will mean the acceptance of these


For more information, you can consult

#Bases #Premio #UPC #Miquel #Barceló

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